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AN:This starts off when lil Percy is walking through the small town he lives in after running away. And now a few things i think i should add for the whole story in general, 1: Hera looks like the actual goddess that is Helena Bonham Carter 2: i have not decided the pairing but i know I'm making Percy an omega so i don't know if i will have his partner be an alpha that gives off the vibe as a character in general (like Clarisse) or have a character that does not seem like an alpha and make them an an alpha (i do not have an example for this but i am sure i will think of one when i decide 3: there most likely won't be any flashbacks, but it is still undecided 4: i know i am not that good of a writer, but i still like to write, and that is all this is for me,just to do something i like, so giving me hate really won't be that big of a deal when i know its most likely true (depending on what you're hating on) 5: it has alpha/beta/omega dynamics, so like alot of other fics with them, alphas have bigger cocks then most, betas are more immune to alpha pheromones, omegas are more affected by it, some of them are less affected by it, female alphas have cocks as well as vaginas, omegas are discriminated on sometimes, especially male omegas, and the same goes for female alphas, the gods can change their a/b/o status like they do their looks, etc. etc. That is really all i have to say for now other than its most likely going to be in Percy's pov most of the time unless its his partner and unlike my other story, i don't know if i will make a huge effort to distinguish between first and third person pov because i really have a hard time with it (when i get real absorbed in writing i will switch without knowing til i proof read, it is quite annoying and i'm lazy) so if i'm not feeling up to it i will make sure it still makes sense but i don't know how often it will be so i will let you know in an AN. Now FINALLY onto the chapter.


I've been walking for about forever now and i really have to say, i regret running away now. I could be at home watching TV right now instead of just walking, but i guess its okay since my parents don't want me, i'm just doing them a favor. Maybe i'll meet other demigods too, that would be fun, i bet they'd have cool powers too, maybe i'd even meet another child of-

And now i'm in someones arms.

I was so stuck in my head i ran into someone and i probably got saved from falling down.

"Hello, child."

I look up to see who caught me, and i have to say, shes almost as pretty as Aphrodite. She has brown curly hair, really dark brown, almost black  eyes, slightly tanned skin, a sharp jawline, slightly plump lips, and perfect eyebrows. A very very good look she should definitely be proud of, and its all natural too, so she is probably more pretty than Aphrodite since Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty and probably uses her powers, so its cheating. This lady deserves to know, he thinks.

"You're prettier than my mom, she is the goddess of beauty so she probably uses her powers to enhance her looks, so its cheating, while yours are all natural, so you're definitely prettier than Aphrodite."

Are, no. I forgot to say 'Hello', hopefully she doesn't think I'm impolite. He isn't seeing any anger showing on her face, just some surprise so maybe he is in the clear.

"Oh.. Well, thank you, you're pretty too, little one."

"Well my mom and dad said I'm not pretty enough and that they are gonna "try for another", whatever that means. So I decided to run away since they don't want me and now I met you and don't know who is right. But it isn't your fault."

Well apparently that was not the right thing to say because she has the most angry face he has ever seen, not good, it does not suit her beauty.

"Did I say something wrong? You look very mad and it doesn't suit you."

"Yes, it was something you said, but It isn't your fault I'm mad, don't worry. I might be having some words with Aphrodite at some point though, she shouldn't take a family away from such a cute kid, you need a family."

Its a relief she isn't mad at him, he wouldn't want that at all. I do wonder what she will talk to Aphrodite about though.

Wait a minute.

"How will you talk to Aphrodite, though? Are you a demigod too?"

"Well I'm not a demigod, but I am a goddess, so I can talk to her whenever I feel like it."

"Woah. What are you doing here if you're a goddess and which goddess are you?"

"I don't entirely know why I am at this town exactly, but I had to leave Olympus because something happened with my husband. I'm glad I am here, though, because I wouldn't have met you if I wasn't. I am Hera, goddess of family, motherhood, birth, marriage, women, and I am Queen of the gods. What about you, cutie?"

Wow. I this seems like something my dad would laugh at, wonder why. But still, I cant believe I'm talking to the queen of the gods, a queen. Mind blown.

"That's awesome, I cant believe me of all people is talking to Lady Hera! My name is, Perseus Jackson, but my friends can call me 'Percy'. You can call me 'Percy'. What happened with, um, Zeus? That's your husband right?"

She looked really happy when I said that, much better than angry.

"You can just call me 'Hera', that's what my friends call me. I found out that he had yet another child that wasn't with me, so I decided to go somewhere else to clear my mind. Could I ask you where you plan to go?"

Now that she asked me, I didn't really think about it.

"I'm sorry he cheated on you, that isn't nice, maybe you could have a child too? I haven't really thought about it until now, I will have to figure something out, ill just have to walking for now."

She looked thoughtful for a minute before saying

"I cant have a child with someone else because that would make me being mad at Zeus invalid, but I can adopt a child. Would you like me to adopt you?"



"Would you like me to adopt you? I've always wanted a demigod child and since I cant have one of my own I have to adopt, and since you don't have a family to go to, we could be a family. We would live in my palace and I could train you with your powers and how to fight and even give you my blessing."

Well she does make a good point and she seems like she would make a great mom, which is something I don't have as of now.

"Yes! Id love for you to be my mom!"

The smile that she has on her face is so amazing that its something I could look at forever and made me 110% sure that she is definitely more beautiful than Aphrodite.

"Lets go then, little one. Ill show you my palace and you can choose a room."

When she said that she held out her arms for a hug and I didn't even think about it before I ran over to her.

"Lets go!"

"Okay, lets do it!"

And with that I actually flashed into my new life.

Aphrodites unwanted sonWhere stories live. Discover now