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AN: Wow I have been doing lots of thinking of how this story will go and I know who Percy will have as an alpha (someone that's definitely more muscle-y than him) and I sorta know a few other key things but I cant tell you, sorry. I will say that there will be some smut and stuff in later chapters but there will be warnings and I  have never written smut especially what I plan on, but I bet it won't be the worst ever, now on with the story!!

*Percy, age 7*

I am 100% sure that letting Mom adopt me was the best thing I could ever do. She let me have my own room with anything I could ever want in there if I worked for it or she thought I earned it. So far I have a TV, lots of movies, a whole CHEST of toys, a whole shelf of books, a bed that could fit 10 of me, I'm sure I have a million stuffed animals too, and a whole closet full of clothes.

She has me do chores and my school work and if I do well in both I get a reward. The things I do for school is learning about all of the 'myths' except the ones she thinks are too graphic for me, I'm learning manners and how to act 'royal' as Mom says, and a lot more but it isn't as important, but its completely worth it because Mom says it makes me a good person and something called humble which makes me a better person, so its good.

-time skip, Percy age 9-

The past couple of years have been great, I've learned almost all of the myths, Mom says I've learned all my manners and how to be the best Prince I can be, I also started working on the powers I got from Aphrodite and I'll be getting Moms blessing once I've mastered my Aphrodite powers, and Mom has even taught me some useful knowledge about my omega and other alphas and betas, but she said a lot of it I have to learn in the real world

The powers I  was born with are pretty cool if I do say so myself. I have charmspeak that's apparently one of the strongest since Aphrodite, Mom says that once I master it I will be able to use it on most demigods with relative ease and if I really try I'll be able to use it on most of the minor gods and maybe even an Olympian if they don't try hard to resist it. I was also born with a good fashion sense like most Aphrodite children, how to detect if someone is cheating, sensing if someone is lying about love,  how to detect if someone is using powers and things like that to alter looks, and I can do that to myself if I wanted but I see it as cheating, so I won't be using it unless I want to hide myself.

Once I master all of those I will get Moms blessing and the powers I get from that are be able to detect if someone/thing is pregnant, whether someone is lying about something related to blood family member, the ability marry people, I'll be able to tell if a woman is lying or has bad intentions, my other powers will have more of an effect on women, I'll be able to read anyone's mind, but the difficulty depends on whether the person knows or not and whether they try to resist or not, but Mom says I'll be powerful with that power since I'm the first person to get her blessing, I'll be able to manipulate people an control them, finally I'll be able to communicate through the mind, I'll be able to tell if anyone is lying or telling the truth or hiding something, and finally I'll be able to change someone's memories or take them away or give them mine.

When Mom told me about the mind powers I was really surprised because I never even knew about her being a goddess of the mind, but she told me that she hasn't told anyone except Hestia because she trusts her, Athena since she figured it out, but she swore on the Styx not to tell anyone or allow anyone to know about it without permission, her parents but she made them swear on the Styx to never tell or allow anyone to know anything about it ever, not even with her permission, and finally me since I will be getting the powers and she trusts me, but I still swore not to tell anyone that I couldn't trust.

-time skip, Percy age 11, the night before his 12th birthday-

Its finally the time I have to go to camp.

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