Chapter 3

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-- after the test --

A slightly disgruntled (Y/N) left the field, heading back to the changing rooms to put her school uniform back on. She had witnessed the plain piece of broccoli break his finger, get attacked by the hedgehog, then watched as their odd teacher trapped him in his.. mummy wrappings? oh yeah, also the whole expulsion thing was a fat lie. (Y/N) would never forgive the teacher for his trouble- wait no she wasn't like that anymore shut up brain.

After sliding out of her sports uniform and putting her normal uniform back on, she left the change rooms and slammed into an all familiar boy.

The godforsaken pretzel thief.

As (Y/N) prepared to lose it with this peasant she was suddenly stopped as the boy shoved a bag of pretzels into her face and walked past. Now utterly confused and sputtering, she turned to the boy as he left out of the hallway and disappeared like he was frickin Houdini.

"I.. What???? WHO IS THIS MEDIOCRE FOOL?? Oh, wait he gave me food its okay.." (Y/N) thought to herself, finally pulling the bag of pretzels to her attention. Her brow lifted as she saw some numbers written on the bag, which she assumed to be a phone number.

"Ahh. Smart peasant. Too bad my broke ass can't afford a phone." She chuckled, ripping open her delicious bag of pretzels.

It was empty.

"This BITCH-"

-- time skip brought to you by Jesus --

(Y/N) was stressed the whole way home, gripping her bubble tea tightly on the train ride back to the miserable orphanage. It was almost a ritual for her to get such godly drinks on the way home- the people at the shop knew her on a first name basis. With a sigh, she leaned her head onto the window, humming the song playing in her earbuds. No-one else was on the train, so she didn't mind being a little loud.

She got off the train as it pulled to a stop at her small, boring suburb. She skipped a little along the street, kicking at rocks. It started to rain slightly and she sighed, pulling an umbrella from her bag and trodding down the shortcut through the park to get to the orphanage. She misbehaved too much as a child, resulting in no-one really wanting to adopt her. And she had barely any luck now that she was a teenager, as teens were seen as a nuisance in these lovely times.

(Y/N) opened the door to the old building, kicking off her shoes and shouting a hasty "I'm home!" before jogging up the stairs and into her room. The little kids got were too annoying for her and she didn't want to deal with their constant "WRSFXHAEH PLAY WITH ME OR I'LL D I E".

She threw her bag onto the bed once inside the cozy room, flopping back and groaning. She yeeted off her bra and changed into her absolutely ridiculous stitch onesie, before settling down at her desk and opening her 12-year-old brick laptop. It worked just fine for her though and got the job done. Everyone in the orphanage got their own allowance from chores, and (Y/N) being the bratty child she was, almost never did her chores. The laptop was a hand me down from an older kid who got a new laptop and felt bad for her once her middle school homework started piling up.

She opened a writing program, waiting a while for it to finally start up and got typing. She loved having a little virtual diary and wrote in it almost every day. It was somewhat of a therapy thing for her, as she spilled her heart out to her little private documents. Writing about the purple haired peasant, the angry hedgehog, and her seriously weird teacher.

For some reason, the pretzel thief kept popping back into her mind. What was his name again? Chinsu? She couldn't remember. Didn't really care either. As she saved the page and turned the computer off, she clapped her hands twice to turn off the lights- the only thing she had bought with her small allowance was some clap lights because she was e x t r a.

(Y/N) crawled under her duvet, enjoying the moon out of her window and the soft yellow fairy lights twined around her dresser mirror before falling asleep.

[A/N- I'll try to update more, for the very small amount of people who read this LmAo. It's hard though because I have school and band a LOT so please spare me]

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