Chapter 12 🍋

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The day of the sports festival had arrived, and (Y/N) was awaiting her best friend at the school gates, bouncing on her feet and gripping her bag straps. Standing on her toes to see over the crowd, she caught sight of the familiar purple locks of the one and only Hitoshi Shinsou. She ran over to him, entrapping him in a bear hug as he grumbled and tried to push her off to maintain his salient and badass reputation. After freeing himself, he dusted off his shirt and started heading inside the building as he grumbled a hello. The girl laughed at him and skipped to catch up, linking her arm with his and bouncing excitedly.

Soon enough, everyone was walking onto the field to the sound of cheering. (Y/N) looked around for Hitoshi, smiling widely when she saw him. Her heart got all fluttery, and she swallowed harshly before shaking her head and turning back to face where she was walking. She stuck by Mina, chattering to her happily as they watched Midnight call Bakugou up to the stage, filling them both with dread. This was going to be a long day.


(Y/N) made her way up to the stands where 1.A sat, bummed out that she had been disqualified in the obstacle course. Her foot had gotten trapped in Todoroki's ice, and Hitoshi merely stuck out his tongue in response of a cry for help. Stupid prick. She'd kill him later.

For now though, she was cheering him on from the stands, much to his embarrassment. Unbeknownst to everyone watching though, he was having a slight panic attack on the inside due to his crush screaming his name - not even her classmates, his name.

By the end of the Calvary battle, (Y/N) was screaming with excitement as a few people looked at her weirded out. Her best friend and crush had made it into the battles, and she couldn't be happier for him. She watched as he walked onto the field, practically vibrating with excitement she was bouncing so much.

She could barely hear what he was saying, her own heartbeat and loud thoughts along with the cheering blocked out what Hitoshi was saying. She did feel slightly bad for not cheering for her classmate, but her feelings for the lilac haired boy were stronger than the ones of her friends.

She stood up in shock as Midoriya managed to snap out of Hitoshi's brainwashing, and charge toward him as Hitoshi tried to get him to answer his questions again. (Y/N) watched as he yeeted Hitoshi out of bounds, her face dropping as she sat back down and got a pat on the back from Ochako.

She watched him begin to leave, a smile growing on her face as his classmates yelled support over at him. She was so happy for him to have true friends, not being able to help herself from running out of the stands and sprinting as fast as she could down to the entrance of the arena, spooking her best friend as she launched herself at him and wrapped her arms around him tightly, him not being able to resist as he hugged back and spun her around.

"Hitoshi! I've never been more proud of you! Someone has definitely scouted you by now!" They stopped moving, laughing and looking into each others eyes as they caught their breaths.

"Well, I still have a long way to go before I can get in to the hero course, but-" He was interrupted by (Y/N) shushing him, wrapping her arms around his neck and swaying slightly with him as his hands rested on her waist.

"Hitoshi, of course you do. But you were the only person not in the hero course to get this far, you should be proud. But don't let it get to your head." She smiled, playing with his hair much to his annoyance.

"Well, at least let me have one little thing." She tilted her head, eyes widening as he leaned in and placed his lips against hers, hesitating a second before her eyes closed and she kissed him back. His rough hands brushed against her waist and hips, fingers clutching her back as her hands tangled into his hair.

They were maybe in the corridor for three minutes when someone walked past, muttering a sheepish "oh my" followed by quick footsteps leaving. They quickly parted, laughing shyly and walking hand in hand up to the general studies stand.

Sexy timeskip brought to you by wear protection kids

I'm serious Prepare ur anus

Hitoshi and (Y/N) were making their way back to his house after the day of the sports festival, laughing and shyly holding hands. (Y/N) kept bouncing with happiness, skipping alongside him and forcing him to walk a bit faster.

"So, my parents aren't home tonight. Wanna stay over?" She agreed with him excitedly, innocently unaware of what was going to happen later on.

A couple hours later and the new couple were happily snuggling on Hitoshi's bed, finishing up their third movie of the night. Hitoshi started massaging the girl curled up to him, gently rubbing her shoulders as she let out a satisfied hum and closed her eyes.

A/N two years after writing this: i have decided to delete the sexual content from this chapter. if you are annoyed, you are apart of the problem of teenagers being sexualised by media. i did not know any better when i was fourteen and initially wrote this chapter, and now at 16 i can see that my past actions were problematic. writing and distributing sexual acts involving minors is illegal.

The next day at school was tiring, (Y/N) and her companion having dragged themselves to class and parted after a quick kiss. The girl wandered into class a few minutes late, being scolded and informed to sit down. All was calm.

"HOLY FUCK (Y/N) IS THAT A HICKEY?!?!" Ah Yes, the ever so observant Mina. A hand clapped against the blushing girl's neck as she stammered out a no before rushing to her seat. Murmurs went through the class as to guess who the lucky guy was, when Kaminari yelled out he saw Shinsou pass by in the hall earlier with similar hickeys.

Cue more surprised yelling and questioning as poor (Y/N) shrunk back in her seat with shame.

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