27. Nais Ko (Rj's tower)

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Weeks passed without major incidence. Rj rode in Meng's shuttle in the mornings and evenings, taking his spot beside her. Her regular passengers didn't have to be asked to reserve that spot anymore, they knew (although some of the men took a while longer to realize what was going on). When it was just Biboy and Rj who were the last passengers on the evening trip, Rj did not hesitate to take Meng's hand and intertwine his fingers with hers. The bond they shared relieved Meng of the stresses she had from school and driving, and it also gave Rj the boost he needed for his work.

The compound where Meng's apartment unit was housed 4 two-storey homes that shared one long driveway. If their landlord opened the wall that fenced in the driveway that was in front of the houses and built individual walls and gates for each home, each unit would have space for at least 1 vehicle to park in. But since it was built the way it was, the residents have gotten used to parking their vehicles on the street outside and keeping the driveway as their common area, kids' playground, and laundry area. As a kid, Meng had been also given a bath there, 'exposed' to the world.

Rj looked out his balcony which offered him a view of the city. From his spot, he could see the 'other' special spot he and Meng chose as 'Rj's hideaway' in the city. It was the platform of an old watch tower that was put up behind one corner of the compound. According to Meng, the watch tower had been constructed there so that the residents could watch over the back of the compound especially at night. Behind the wall of the compound was a deep valley where other residents used to throw their trash into. The 'tanods' and residents decided to build these towers to keep watch over the area, as well as maintain peace and security for the residence. But these was years ago. Meng was still in elementary school when she last remembered someone using the place as a guard post. With its ladder positioned nearer Meng's home, she and Nico would often climb the structure to play. At one point, it even became their clubhouse of sorts. But when they grew up, the structure became abandoned; old furniture, scraps, and big plastic drums somehow blocked the base of the ladder.

"Good afternoon po..." Rj said as he greeted Nanay Marian. She was collecting the laundry from the wash line.

"Kaawaan ka ng Diyos. O Tisoy..."

"Si Meng po?"

"Ah...andun sa likod...puntahan mo nalang..."

"Okay po, salamat po."

Rj walked through the house toward the back. He didn't immediately find her when he stepped out of the back door.


He remembered seeing the tower from the back door when Meng gave him a tour of her house. Rj noticed however, that some of the items were missing or were moved. He remembered seeing an old wooden crate leaning against the ladder. It wasn't there now. He approached the ladder, calling her name. But instead of getting a reply, he heard her singing. He'd never heard her sing before. Actually, her voice was slightly soft and interspersed with humming.

Rj slowly climbed the ladder. Meng was seated, cross legged, facing the grill wall of the little shack. She had her earbuds on; the soft orange glow of the sunset shining against her face. She gently swayed as she sung and hummed along to whatever music she had playing on her phone.

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