chapter 8

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kidos pov

It was the next day master and I sept out of the house and saw akihiko,nel,mory, and lammy.
I asked master if i could walk with them and she said yes.

I ran over to them i walked be side mory and nel me and mory talked a little and i felt something wrap around my tail I looked behide us and mory and I was holding tails i was so happy. That I laid my head on morys shoulder cause him to get flustered. Nel got really jealous and slaped our tails grip.
Mory turned around and slaped him.

What the hell is wrong with you nel.

I-i just.

You just what.

I just really like kido thats all he means alot to me.

Well he choose me over you and i love kido with all my heart and he fells the same. Right kido?

I nodded.

He grabed my hand.

I think we will take our leave.

Mory started to walk fast but when we were a good distance away from them he slowed down.

Im so sorry about nel.

Why is he so jealous of us.

Nel used to be my boyfriend.

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