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Ella, baffled by this, questioned it again. " H-how do I have super powers," Ella questioned, jaw dropped. 

"You do, the lightning, it gave you a super power, we need to figure out what though," Ella's mom said. Ella nodded, still with her jaw dropped, she tried to do multiple things, until finally  she found her super power. Electricity/lightning. Ella still dumbfounded on how this happened, ran it through her head a million times, but never could figure how she got these powers. 

Her mom grinned, pulled out her phone and sent a text message. 

"Sorry Ella, we have to go, I want you to meet someone," Ella's mom said. 

Ella refused. 

1 hour later. Ella woke up in a trunk. In a trunk. Ella couldn't remember what had happened, wait her mom was talking about bringing her somewhere, Ella refused! Her mom must have knocked her out! Ella pounded the top of the car, it was getting hard to breathe, she had to get out, and soon. 

My SecretOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora