Ella's Choice.

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"You're being ridiculous. You can't be serious, Mom, or whoever you are, you should know I'm going to choose the Organization," Ella said as serious as possible, still not believing she was in this situation.

"I'll give you a minute to think about it," Ella's mom says, as she walks out of the room. 

Ella says, to herself, "Maggie, are you there can you hear me," 

There is a voice coming in through an earpiece. 

"I hear you Ella," Maggie, Ella's head detective says. 

"What should I say," Ella questions. 

"Agree to be in the other side," Maggie says, "we can figure out the rest once your mother agrees."

"Ok," Ella responds, "I'll tell her." Ella's mom walks into the room. 

"Have you made your choice," Ella's mom questions. 

"Yes," Ella says. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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