Where Was She?

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Ella woke up to a warehouse. A cold, grim, dark warehouse. She was binded to a chair with a thick rope and her mouth was covered with a gray, duct tape.  The room was small, no windows, nowhere to escape. But there was one door, Ella didn't know what to do, weather to scream, try to get out, or just stay there. She pondered this for several minutes and heard a voice. Her mother's. She could hear her footsteps getting closer to the door. Closer and closer. 

The door opened and sure enough Ella's mother was there, Ella's worst nightmare came to life. 

"Hello daughter," Ella's mom said with an evil grin. Ella tried to scream forgetting that her mother covered her mouth. 

"Don't even bother, you wont get out unless you cooperate," Ella's mom said, ripping the tape off her mouth. 

"OW," Ella screamed. Ella's mother shot her a malicious look. "What do you want me to do," Ella questioned. 

"I want you to be part of my organization, I had started it when I was your age and ever since I haven't looked back on what I've done, whom I've killed, what I've done to get here," Ella's mom replied.  

"What is the organization," Ella said. Ella's mom grinned. 

"Our goal is to take down the other side. The other side is called the Organization. We are called The Other Side," Ella's mom said. 

"Wow you guys are so clever," Ella said as she rolled her eyes. 

"Don't you get smart with me," Ella's mom said, "It's either them, the good guys, or us, come on Ella, be smart here, we want to rule the world, all they want to do is save it." 

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