chapter 3

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We ate in silent just enjoying the food.

" so... is there any good jobs around here"  James asked as we ate.

"You don't have to get a job our parents pay the bills sense there like billion airs" fry said. Mine and fry's parent own their own company's so they're pretty rich.

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Yup" fry said turning on the TV.

" do you want to play?" fry asked James.

"Yeah sure"James said

"We have a lot of pets" I said then went back to reading.

"Oh okay"

"Do you want to meet them?"Fry asked as he got there game ready.


"Alright, dogs come over here" I called them  and they came running. Lighting looked at James and started to growl and walk to him.

"Whoa umm can one of you do something?" He asked looking scared.

the red moon packOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora