chapter 5

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Hey guys I've got two more characters for you =)

Olivia, witch, red long hair , green eyes , loves to make new potions and spells, female

Night, house cat, green eyes, black fur, female


Danger sat in the corner making sure that everyone was listening to the alpha which was me. Danger was the protector of  the pack he made sure everyone was in check and everyone was safe.

"Well I'm going to sleep. Max are you coming?" I asked he barked and stood up. We mabe our way to my room and went to sleep.

(Next morning)

"Open this door Smith or fry right now or I'll turn you to a frog" Olivia yelled from the other  side of the door.

I got out of my nice warm bed and walked to the living room. I looked at the Time 9:30 am. So early I thought as I opened the door and Olivia walked in.

"Took you long enough" she said

"Why are you here so early?" I asked yawning.

"Because look what I got" she said holding up two bottles of potions.

"What's that?" I asked. As I looked at the pink bottles she was holding, her cat jumped from her shoulders to mine and layed down.

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