chapter 6

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" I don't know I found it in my mom's office. Come here puppys" she called

"She just left two random bottles of potions in her office?"i asked

"No there was a piece of paper with a random recipe on it so made it " she said like it was fine. She walked to the kitchen and started to pour a little bit of potion in all eight dog water bowls.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Testing it on the dogs dah" she said

"What? No"


"No what if it kills them?" I asked

"Its not going to kill them" she said rolling her eyes.

"Fine" I said. Olivia was like a sister to me and fry. We've known each other for years.

"Come and drink some water" she said and smiled "yay"

They drink the water and went to the living room and laid down.

"See I told you there were going to be fine" she said as we walked In the living room. But all of the dogs where sleeping.

" lightning, thunder " I called but none of them got up. I looked at Olivia and we both started to panic. I checked to see if they where steel breathing. "There steel breathing " I said. Me and Olivia calmed down.

"See the potion probably just knocked  them out" Olivia said

I started to nod but stoped when I saw that there bodies started to change into human bodies. Me and Olivia looked at each other in shock.

Hey if you like this please share with friends and family because I feel like no one enjoys my storys, you know it's not fun to write if no one reads. Right? 🙁

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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