when raindrops fell.

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to mia, thank you so much for being such a supportive and amazing friend.ily 💞

when raindrops fell
down from the sky
the day you left me
an angel cried ...

pits pov

something wasn't right with today
the air was more frosty and hard hitting against my face
the ground was holding onto my shoes, not letting me walk
i felt as if i had been drained of all energy. i usually was preppy and full of joy and positive.
today i was the complete opposite

the day went by blurry and everyone's conversations were toned out
"so what do you think pit?" lady palutena said to me
i wasn't listening. fuck.
"0h,,,i,um,,,,,i don't know"
she looked me up and down and then went on with her conversation to pittoo
that rarely happened. so i just let it be and dragged myself to my room
i creaked open the door and switched the light on , grabbed my picture book and sat on my bed
it usually cheered me up
in it was filled with colours and characters dancing across the thin white pages
it made me happy.
the characters looked cheerful and full of life as their cartoon smiles took up half their face
then, there was a knock on my door

dark pits pov

pit didn't seem himself today. his eyes were dreary and his face was pale
was he feeling sick?
is it like i care?
n-no,,,i'm just,,,

even when lady palutena asked him about what he wanted to eat he didn't know
he always knows.
fuck it, i'll go ask him

i knocked on his door and creaked it open
pit was leaned against the wall on his bed, looking at his picture book
"hey. didn't know you still read that thing"
pit looked up at him
no come back? there must be something up
"what's up with you today. you're all sad"
pit didn't answer
"i sa-"
"it's nothing!" he snapped "i don't know, okay....just...."
he looked like he was about to burst into tears
"what's up you're arse?" i said , laughing
pit didn't laugh
"j-just,,,,just fuck off , pittoo"
shit. pit never swore either
the only time i ever heard him swear was when i dared him to, and even then he only said "bitch"
"s-s-" i started
don't you dare say it.
"s-,,,,look pit if you're gonna be a big attention seeker at least have a reason to do so. you've been sad all day and you won't even tell me what's wrong. what's the point in that? suck a dick"
i really shouldn't have said that.
tears fell down my eyes that wernt mine
they were pits
"g-get out." he said, quietly
"s-sorry, i d-"
you just said it. pussy.
"pitto, if you're gonna be a,,,,a,,,jerk then get out." pit said,
the salty tears rolled down his cheeks and onto his book, making them damp.
i left without saying a word

pits pov
i didn't really want him to leave
i just wanted to,,,,cry by myself
what has gotten over me?
maybe he's right...
i shoved my head in my pillow as tears streamed out of my eyes
the pillow became hot and wet with tears. i flipped it over to the other side and looked out my window
maybe i just need some time alone...

dark pits pov
i woke up the next morning to palutena beating down my door
"what what i'm coming!"
she looked worried
"where's pit."
apparently pit wasn't up on time, or in his bedroom, or in the castle at all.
"i-i don't know-"
"i heard you two talking last night"
she looked around my room, under my bed, out my window, like he was gonna magically appear
"can't you just use your m i n d powers to track him?" i said to her
she didn't laugh
does no one have a sense of humour around here?
"pittoo i'm being serious!"
suddenly, little tears fell down my eyes
"don't tell me that means he's crying" she said
"ding ding ding" i laughed
she rubbed her eyes and sighed
"that's it. i'm going out looking for him. you stay here. i don't need another angel going missing"
"but i'm not in your command!"
"stay. here!" she shouted
the tears kept getting bigger and bigger
i felt bad about what i said, of course....but it wasn't my fault was it?
i looked out my window in thought
maybe it was my fault..
a little feather fell down at that exact moment
it was white, so it wasn't mine
and pit plucked at his feathers when he was sad...

i rushed into the roof to find him there
sitting, by himself, looking at the pictures
"pit.." i said
he jumped, and dropped the feather he was playing with
his eyes were puffy and red and his skin was shivered with goosebumps from the cold
i sat beside him and looked at the sky
it was beautiful. i had never really looked at the sun rising before
"look pit, about what i-"
"it's okay." he interrupted. "it's my fault. i didn't know what was going on with me, i still don't, but i forgive you."
he gave me a smile
pits smiles were like blue ice lollies in summer. sweet and refreshing.
"i'm sorry though. i didn't mean it. i was just,,,,reluctant"
his head popped up
"reluctant to what?"
"to,,,say sorry i guess"
he laughed
"it's okay"
"so,,,,we're good?"
"we always were"
i gave him a little side hug and bought him back to the inside
when palutena saw him she gasped
she held him tight and he hugged her back
they truly were like a mother and son
palutena looked at me and smiled
"c'mere. can't leave you out huh?"
i smiled and hugged her too
i felt sweeter that day

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