horns for a crown

157 5 1

dark pits pov


i looked in the mirror at exactly 3 in the morning.
my heart felt darker than usual. my skin looked paler and my purplish hair went midnight black.
the room was cold and the window was left open,
goosebumps filled my arms and legs with a gush of wind that crept its way into my room
i closed my eyes and breathed slowly
i opened my eyes to see horns on my head
red ones.
my heart was racing faster than ever
my face started to melt
my eyes were entirely black
it was almost like,,,,i was satan himself
my laurel crown no where to be seen 
i quickly rubbed my eyes...they were gone
maybe just...imagining things
the cold floor creaked as i crept back into my sheets
i wrapped myself in them, they were cold from the lack of heat in the room
i lay face first into my pillow and thought about the horns
what did they mean?
why did i see them so clearly,,,

an angel ? angels are nice little creatures,,,,there's no way you're one of them,,,

the next morning was hazy
going over missions
one of which, i had to go with pit in a few minutes
"are you ready?" he said to me
"wh- oh yeah"
i grabbed my crown and looked in the mirror
thinking about the horns still,,,and what would happen if they came back

as we landed in the place we needed to be, i felt the warm sun on my back
i didn't do well in brightness
that's why i was usually up at night
i wasn't used to the light
"what's wrong?" pit said, dusting himself off from the flights dust that fell on him
"nothin' i said, bluntly
i wasn't in the mood for talking
that was something about pit, he was a talker
"yeah there is" he smiled a pit. "my eyes feel watery"
"maybe that's because they're always wet you idiot" i said, regretting it.
how i wish i didn't say that,,,,,
"wow,,,,sorry,," he said
we were silent for a little while
"so um,,," he said "i heard you last night up late,,,what were you doing?" he said, quietly , almost like he was scared
"nothin, just,,,,"
he hesitated
"just got a little freaked out over somethin'"
pits eyes widened
"what was it?"
"look,,,it was nothing just. thought i seen horns or something it's ,,,,stupid okay"
pit frowned
"horns? pittoo,,,what do you mean?"
i suddenly exploded
"LOOK.....i don't know. stop fucking asking."
pit shot up
"it's not like i'm not gonna find out! we're the exact same thing how come I didn't see the horns? honestly like if you're gonna be mad at me for something like asking questions then y-"
i could feel my body heating up
my face sweating and my body shaking with anger
i knew i had punched him the moment i saw blood on my fist
a little cry came from him
and he ran away

: kid icarus oneshots :Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant