Meeting Nervousness

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You were invited to a small get-together with some friends and a few of their other friends as well. They explained a while ago who would be going and you hesitantly agreed. You weren't exactly the most confident when it came to other people, especially those you didn't know. After hearing that Leafy was going to be there, you became a little more interested.

You simply enjoyed watching a couple videos of his and thought it would be a great opportunity to get to know him better. Upon watching more of his videos, your interest developed into a small crush. You found the way he laughed in his videos to be music to your ears. Any picture you saw of him was like heaven had blessed your eyes with a fucking angel.

Nevertheless, you were even more nervous as you arrived at the house. You were an introvert and so making conversation was not going to be easy. Dressed in a cute outfit, you walked in and greeted your friends. A couple of them also had a crush on the leaf man and you couldn't help but feel a little insecure. They were absolutely stunning and it made you feel a bit out of place. Here all these gorgeous people would sit around and eat together and then there would be you. This isn't to say that you didn't look amazing, it was simply that after you compared yourself to everyone, you became a lot more shy.

Taking it upon yourself to help set all of the food up, you assist with bringing everything into the large room. Your friends are talking with various guys and as you are bringing in a large salad bowl you notice Leafy walk in. He is greeted by your main friend and is quickly introduced to everyone he doesn't know; including a short introduction to you while you are in the middle of working on something. After hearing your name, you can see a small smile adorn his face, unlike after hearing the other names. This simple sight of this is enough to make your heart flutter.

Once everything is set up, your friend dictates where everyone will be sitting. To your luck and disbelief, Leafy ends up sitting just next to you. Feeling a little out of place, you are a bit quiet at the table. Usually, you are a bit of an extrovert and can make anyone at the table laugh. But, being surrounded by everyone there turned you into a shy and insecure individual. You simply thought it was better to nod and not say very much as to not embarrass yourself.

Just as Leafy is about to turn and start a conversation with you, a girl sitting at the table, who you don't particularly get along with, is quick to say, "Wow, Y/N, you are really quiet tonight. Guess your huge crush on Leafy is getting the best of you, huh?" bruh gonna die Your eyes go wide and you immediately almost choke on the food you are eating. Other people at the table heard her comment and are laughing at your red face and the shocked expression on Leafy's. After almost dying, you excuse yourself out of total embarrassment.

You walk to the back of the home and step outside to get a breath of fresh air. It is a lovely evening and you can't help but feel absolutely roasted by that girl. Sure, you knew she liked Leafy as well, but you didn't expect her to pull something like that. It is about ten minutes and you are still debating on whether you should just leave or walk back to your demise dinner inside. Sighing, you close your eyes and just hope that everything that just happened could just go away. You sit down on one of the steps outside and lean your upper body on your knees, chin resting on your arms.

Trying to regain your composure, you are caught off guard when the door opens and you hear Leafy say, "Oh, here you are. I got a little worried, are you okay? You never came back so I got a little worried." At this point you figure you have nothing left to lose and that you can't be embarrassed. You reply sarcastically, saying, "Oh, I'm just peachy." Chuckling, he steps outside and closes the door behind him. "So I assume this has to do with what that girl said inside? I don't know what the problem is." He says, sitting next to you. "The problem is she said that because she knows she has a chance with you and I don't." You say, about to cry and thus refusing to look his way. He laughs at your comment and simply says, "And when did you start determining who I can and can't like?" Stumbling on your words you say, "Well.. uhm... I mean, like, have you seen her? And then compared to me?" Groaning, you continue by saying, "You know what, forget it. It'd probably just be better if I left." You wipe a stray tear that was about to fall and push yourself up off the step. "I'm sorry this is how we first met, I swear I'm not this terrible with people, usually. Hopefully, this won't paint too poorly an image of me. Can you just tell everyone I wasn't feeling well and left?" You say, looking down at him.

Looking up at you, he simply says, "No, I can't do that." A little annoyed, you say, "What?! Why not?" He rises from the ground and looks down at you saying, "Because you deserve to be here just as much as any person in there. Excluding that bitch sitting across from us, everyone talks so highly of you. The entire night I've heard nothing except how I should talk with you and hang out with you. All of your actual friends and people I know have said nothing but amazing things about you, give yourself a little credit. Plus, I mean, you are pretty attractive to me so I don't know why you're complaining." You are completely shocked and your face turns a bright pink. All you can manage is a, "Thank you.. I think?" with a few questionable laughs after. Before you can say anything else he is quick to grab your hand and say, "Alright, now that we've settled this, we are going back inside. I'm excited to have a conversation with the person my friends have been talking about and I've been crushing on, as a result, the last few weeks." He turns back to see you attempting to return a small smile while he has a large grin on his face and a slight pink tint to his cheeks.

The rest of the night is great and you are able to showcase your fire personality. All of your friends are ecstatic when you return and immediately bring up a variety of topics you love to talk about. Even after dinner is over, you and Leafy are still chatting and talking together about various things. It ranges from the games the two of you play, to artists you listen to, and even talking about how many people the two of you both know.

You are chatting with your friend, as you are about to leave, when Leafy comes over and is quick to interrupt. "Hey, before you leave, here's my number. I don't want you to leave without it tonight, I still have some stuff I'd love to talk with you about. I have to go as well, I need to take my buddy home– he is plastered." Leafy says, referring to the guy standing beside him. He leans down to say something only you will hear, "Plus I'd love to take you out if you'd give me the opportunity." Leaning back up, he sends you a quick wink and leads his friend out of the house while shouting a goodbye to everyone else still there. Your friend shoves your shoulder, when Leafy is out of sight, and says to you, "Y/N, did what I think just happen, just happen?" Closing your eyes and letting out a small sigh of relief; you aren't able to control the smile featured on your face. "I would like to believe so." You reply.

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