The Signs At A Haunted Hospital

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Aries:   Loads their bb gun with rock salt and pretends to be a Hunter; shoots spirits like a badass and thinks that they are everyone's hero; after Sagittarius actually gets rid of all the spirits and really saves everyone; they decide to go help Virgo since they'll believe that Aries was the real hero

Taurus:   Took a nap in one of the hospital beds when they first arrived; they don't believe in haunted hospitals and they just wanted the dare to be over with already; ends up sleeping through the entire haunting and doesn't believe the others when they recap what happened; not sure whether to call the police about Gemini's murder since they don't know which of their friends did it

Gemini:   Making fun of the possibility of ghosts and pranking everyone in the group so that they all get scared; collapses on the floor and everyone thinks that they are faking it; Virgo touches them and finds real blood gushing out of their back; the haunting has begun and everyone panics

Cancer:   Has intensified connections with the spirits and actually feels their anger and confusion; some of them not even realizing that they are dead; torn between running away from it all and trying to help them get to the other side; becomes a psychic medium after the experience

Leo:   Not ready to die; running around the hospital with syringes and scalpels in their hands and screaming at the top of their lungs, thinking that it would help them against the spirits; ends up getting tossed against a wall by a spiteful spirit and losing their useless weapons

Virgo:   White as a sheet (except for their hands which are covered in Gemini's blood); is too anxious to think of anything, ends up holding themselves up inside one of the bathrooms and fainting on the floor; when they come to again, Aries is helping them walk outside and the haunting is over

Libra:   Completely freaked out the moment they see Gemini on the floor; they don't believe in irrational things like ghosts, so there must be a logical explanation like a killer on the loose; as soon as the first apparition appears, they take off screaming at the top of their lungs

Scorpio:   Powerful enough to get the ghosts to stop throwing things around the room and listen to them; uses a spell that they heard Bobby use one time on Supernatural (they, of course, looked it up after the episode and found that it was a real spell); binds one of the ghosts in place and makes him answer the burning questions that they have been dying to know

Sagittarius:   Has watched Supernatural enough times to know what they need to do to get everyone out safe; finds salt in the kitchen and already had lighter fluid on them (don't ask); follows Aquarius and Pisces and salts and burns all of the bones; Aquarius and Pisces are close to tears when they see the ghosts catch on fire and disappear

Capricorn:   Got crept up on by a little girl's ghost that walked right through them; acquired a migraine that won't go away; walking around with an iron stethoscope they found in one of the doctor's offices so that they can whoosh away any ghosts that come near them; after all, it usually works for Sam and Dean

Aquarius:   Tries to connect with the angry spirits to ask them why they are haunting the hospital; finds out that the hospital used to be an asylum where patients were unspeakably tortured and experimented on until they died; the humanitarian inside of them hurts for the spirits and promises to make what happened to them known if they let everyone go

Pisces:   Helping Aquarius calm the spirits down; asks the spirits to show them the hidden areas where the torture used to take place so that they can find records and take pictures for proof; cries when they end up finding the remains of these people (some of them children) crammed into little crawlspaces 


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