Pain = Power

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notes: hey guys this chapter will be medium and sorry i did not update soon. I have a lot going on with high school,it's killing me...but I never lose hope because Kara danvers taught me better :)... any way here is the story also Alex didn't get mind wiped!

summary:Oliver spent 2 years and and fighting, non stop and it was even harder than the island! he changed after what happened with Kara and after he lost everything and then a crisis on earth forces him to work with the others...more importantly Kara!


2 years later


Oliver stands on top of a building overlooking Star City. He thinks of all that happened over these 2 years. All he did was train and fight criminals. He became so skilled crime went down 80 percent in Star City and only big crimes happen once or twice. Sure he teamed up with team Arrow - (they can call it that since he left) - once or twice with huge problems for the city but he stuck to his word and stayed solo... but no matter what he did he could never forget the pain of what happened. Then Oliver thought,

-Forget never deserved her .

Oliver looked down at his target a small run down building. Apparently a bunch of meta's attacked a bunch of homeless people by super strength. Oliver shot his grappling arrow and slide down to the building. He entered cautiously and saw that it was pitch black, so he fired a green flair into the room and as it flew the light picked up hundreds of  people or they seemed like people they just dressed differently in some weird sci-fi material. 

Oliver wasted no time and started to shoot arrows to the nearest ones and sent a couple of explosive arrows into the middle cluster to cut down the size. The weird people came back from shock and started to attack. When Oliver broke into a fight with a few of them, he was surprised they were really strong for humans and was even more surprised he was still defeating them with ease. Then while he was fighting the weird people, he remembered the last two years and all the things that had happened. Oliver came back to reality when he realized he dealt with a little bit more than half of them and that they started to run. Oliver chased after them weird people when he went outside and saw a huge black spaceship that the weird people were entering and before Oliver could think the spaceship opened a...a breach! A really huge breach and went into it. Before he did anything he immediately thought- 


Oliver got his bike and rode back to his bunker. He pulled back his hood and mask while entering into the bunker. He pulled out his phone and called Barry

-"Barry, come to the Bunker now!"

In less than a second Barry arrived in his Flash suit and looked at Oliver seriously.

-"Oliver is there any problem, did something happened and whoa!!?

The last time Barry saw Oliver, Oliver was about 3 times his size and now hes almost a big as Diggle!

-"Calm down Barry, something did happened but nothing I couldn't handle"

Barry relaxed a lot after hearing this and then looked back at Oliver

-"Ok then, what happened ollie"?

-"Well, I don't know how to explain this but there were hundreds these weird people and they were in an abandoned warehouse. They dressed like aliens! They were really strong and when I beat about half of them they ran away to the back and there was a huge black spaceship outside."

Barry's eyes widened 

-"And that not even the crazy part! Oliver said making Barry look confused

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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