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The Rhodes family are on the verge of losing the empire that they built for years because of what happened two years ago. Dusty Rhodes – the father and founder of Madaraszo Dust was killed by a police officer after their house were raided by the police and swat teams.

Their businesses are all illegal in any forms of illegal – smuggling cars and yatch, prostitutions, cocaine, marijuana, you can name it all because they all have connections in different cities and countries.

Cody Rhodes who inherited it all along with his brother, Dustin are looking for vengeance. They don't want to see their empire's falling apart little by little.

Roman Reigns

The police officer who killed their father has been on their death list ever since that day but no matter how many times they tried to set him up or assasinate him, he would just survived. It feels like the man above is protecting him at all cost.

And that's where they come up with the idea on how to get Roman Reigns buried under the ground.

His weakness and precious daughter, Luna Reigns — an eighteen year old grade twelve student.

"I want you to make her fall head over heels to you, I want you to wrap her under your fingers, I want you to take her heart and soul and in the right time, we will ruin her just like how her father ruined everything." Cody said as he slammed the folder on his table.

"That's an easy job, no problem at all." The man said getting all the documents containing Luna's details about personal and social life.

"Don't screw it up," Dustin said

The man chuckled "I am Jon Moxley, remember that."

Slow dancing with the devil (Jon MoxleyWhere stories live. Discover now