Disk 3

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The whole period, I keep on thinking on where I heard his name but nothing's popping in my head. I am getting frustrated and I hate how i always overthink little things.

"Ms. Reigns?" Mr. Moxley snaps his fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts as half of the class snickers before heading out of the classroom.

"I'm sorry, just thinking 'bout something" I apologized.

He leans on his desk as he folds his arms "It's alright but it's your duty as a student to focus on class"

I nodded my head "It won't happen again, Mr. Moxley"

I grabbed my bag and put my notebooks inside once I'm settled, I excused myself from the man infront of me. God, he's making me nervous!

Did he work with my dad before? I swear, I heard his name before. Maybe, I can ask Uncle Jimmy later if I see him 'cause I can't ask my dad about this, he'll probably freak out and investigate him.


Well, first day of school was alright but heck, there's already a lot of schoolworks to do. Can we just enjoy the first week?

I put my stuff inside the locker after changing into my gym outfit - black cycling shorts and a big tee that says "Respect dogs, bitches".  I head outside and was already tired by just watching those people doing their workout routines, I wish I was that good but Alexa just dragged me out here so she can have some company since she doesn't have any friends in her cheerleading squad, which of course makes me feel upset about it. Alexa was already doing burpees and it's way too intense for me to do, I headed straight to the threadmill.

"Hey, Reigns." I look at the person who greeted me and I lose my balance and of course, just like what my father said earlier, i fell down the threadmill. Okay, maybe I should listen to him sometimes. But the question is, what the hell is Mr. Moxley doing here!?

"Are you okay?" He asked, helping me stand up.

I dust off some dirt on my legs and shorts. I smiled awkwardly at him "First timer. Thank you by the way,"

He chuckles "Maybe, I can help you with that."

I took a quick look at my bestfriend and she is pretty occupied right now with her routine. Mr. Moxley also looks like he workout a lot and those big guns makes me wish that they are around me right now, roaming around every corner of my body as I moan his name.

What the heck, Luna!

"Uh yeah, is it okay? I mean if you're still not done yet, I won't bother you but you insist I think it's okay i mean i would love to but you know-"

Mr. Moxley looks amused right now as he cuts me off "I'll help you. I don't want one of my students getting injured and missing class"

Moxley's POV

We started on stretching since it's her first time working out, it would best to start with light routines so she won't experience intense muscle sores because god, those body aches are the worst. By observing Luna, she's quite clumsy and talks gibberish when she's nervous which of course, makes it easy for me to do my job like on what I read, she never had a boyfriend or even get close to a guy - Well, thanks to her father and uncles. Plus, who wouldn tap that kind of girl? She's so dull and boring.

Just a little patience on this girl til I get my job done and get the money I needed. "Okay, time for some lunges."

I strip off my tshirt and throw it on the bench. I exampled the lunges routine for her to follow but she was standing there looking shocked. Does she never see someone shirtless before!? My god!

I snapped my fingers "Luna"

"Oh right, I'm sorry." She apologized and tried to do lunges which she did it perfectly. I start counting and I can't help but snicker because she looks like a duck while doing it.

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