Chapter 12

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Rose Pov

Sharon won, she beat me today that slap I gave her wasn't compared to what she did. She just levelled up the game, I never knew she was capable of ever winning this game. Now it's my turn to play this game and I need a game plan.

But why was Crystal crying this morning, I noticed everything how she tried to hide it from me even when wiping her tears I saw it all, why could she talk to Divine and not me. I'm her best friend and her lover also even though I'm yet to tell her that part.

I allowed Divine to talk with her today, I need to be careful on how I handle Divine, I think I need to be nice to him now at least he made her feel better and i need Crystal to feel like i have accepted Divine while I take him out finally so it won't be linked to me

I knew what happened at Miss Blessings office, I personally followed Crystal there am not a stalker but I had to be there for her, I wish I could slap Mrs Lawson for calling her a Hoe, no one knows Crystal except me. She was one of the chaste human beings I know unlike me that my Father Molested while I slept just because he found out I wasn't his real blood.

my mother cheated on him before they got married and never knew she was pregnant.

He found out when I was sick and needed a blood transfusion, his blood was no match to mine and that was when the truth unveiled, my mother, begged my father that night I could hear them, I could feel the pain in my Dad's eyes even though I barely  old enough to understand the gravity of the situation, I was angry at my mother the man I had called dad for the past ten years wasn't even my dad.

I remembered that night he came to my room, I was barely thirteen he was drunk I could perceive the foul smell from his breath, mum wasn't home that night she never missed a vigil, she was ready to allow dad bring different women to the house as long as she stayed married to him.

I don't blame her she made a mistake but she was paying full time for it and there was society been involved.

Dad had his way with me that night but he went through Anal, I couldn't walk for two days and I had a tear for a while, mum took me to the hospital but pleaded with the doctor not to take up the case.
Mum told me not to tell a soul I could see the tears in her eyes, the next word she said shocked me to my bones

"Rose we are lucky he let you stay, he isn't your father what do you expect, moreover am a deconess in the church  i have a reputation to uphold, I made a mistake with my ex and I'm paying for it already"

Did my mother call me a mistake, I hope Vanessa and Victoria aren't mistakes too since they were her husband's children. Deconess that was pregnant before marriage, since her church was more important to keep then leaving this house is the best idea.

Ever since that day, I knew I was alone that was the reason I left home to my Cousin's house. I miss my sisters,mum has been asking me to come home since dad finally left her, well I am a mistake to her and i am not ready to forgive mum. Until she tell me who my dad is, she owes that to me.

Been raped didn't change my Sexuality I knew I liked girls since primary five(5), Happiness was my first Crush, Dark Skinned and she had dimples, she was a talkative and very Troublesome but when we graduated that was the last I heard from her.

Ever since i had flings but the day i met Crystal and she smiled at me i knew this was love, And i vowed to love her forever.

Hearing Miss blessing calling Crystal a Bisexual made me worried, that text message was different it was for a girl, i knew Sharon sent most of the text messages that i know but the last one Miss blessing read wasn't Sharon handiwork. I could feel the pain in my heart is Crystal cheating? I could handle Divine but I can't handle a different girl. I don't need to jump into conclusion I would just ask her tomorrow at school.

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