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Crystal Pov

Sitting in this boring hall waiting for our last paper, I miss Rose, if she was here she would have tried to make the hall comfortable with her silly jokes but Miss blessing  has a way of trying to make my life a living hell.

heard some noises at the back and I turned seeing Divine having some heated arguement with some boys, I left my seat to go and know what was happening but just as I was about getting there when Marvel held my hand. ''So you are the girl that just swirled her way into my school to steal my man, I must confess your good what I struggle to get since ss1, you got in less than three month anyways I'm his first love and you know what they say about first love, you must think that i am stupid not to notice, i am slow as tortoise you better watch your back girl'' she left.

I was dumbfounded and I didn't know what to say, but i needed to act tough like it did not get to me,

Miss Blessing came in and swapped our seat putting Divine next to me, she did not have a clue what she had done while Divine was next to me, he was trying to get my attention but I purposely ignored him, what Marvel said was getting to me, she was his first love and I was just an ordinary girl that switched schools and what he had was just a fling and it was going to end, what was I thinking that there would be an us, God I need to concentrate on my exams.

Exam papers came in and I started writing, pushing any thoughts away i concentrated on my paper this came first, every other thing was an option, thank heavens it was a history paper which happened to be one of my favorite subject. in less than 45mins i was done with my paper, Miss Blessing couldn't hide her hatred for me, she kept her face in the most ugliest form while collecting my paper but right now her attitude wasn't my top priority.

while i was looking out for Rose I found out she was still writing I got tired of waiting for her so I walked down to the canteen, only for my eyes to be covered and without guessing much I could feel butterflies in my tummy and I knew it was Divine but i couldn't feel this way i had to kill this feeling as soon as possible just as i turned to tell him we cannot be friends or whatever this is, he gave me the best smile ever and i couldn't resist giving him a hug that moment was everything, didn't even remember the negative thoughts about Marvel again, this was the perfect moment and i wanted him to hold me longer. he finally broke the hug and said How did you know it was me Crystal, oh where you imagining me in that fine head of yours..

I threw my head laughing, stop fooling yourself Divine, I saw your shoes I denied,

Oh really Cheeky cheeks you even know my shoes he said. He called me that name again and I could literally feel that blush

I'm so hungry Divine kill your pride and think of my stomach I said laughing, he held my hands and we strolled to the canteen, while I was stylishing waiting for Rose, I and Divine got into a deep conversation, we talked about everything and I even got to find out his mum's name is also Crystal and that was one of the reasons he got closer to me.

"Crystal I want to tell you something, let's go upstairs"

I was shocked and I quickly asked him if everything was alright and he said yes, so I got up and he paid for our drinks, he held my hands and I swear I felt like a queen, his hands felt like a secured zone ,Crystal remove this thought his just a boy. When we got upstairs he asked me to seat which I did and he said I should listen carefully to what he had to say and I nodded.

He sat next to me and looked into my eyes and he said he wanted to kiss me, I just stared because I didn't know what to say, the way he asked for the kiss with so much confidence even though I wanted those lips so badly but he was taking permission, no body had taken permission from me before kissing me even uncle Michael and just as I said yes and he was about to kiss me....

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