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Rose POV

Looking at Crystal and Divine I felt a deep pain in my chest, i didnt like what i saw, looking at Divine kissing Crystal on the forehead I wanted to fly there and slap him so hard...

But Crystal looked happy with him, mtcheeew I would make her more happier, since i took care of Victor i would take care of Divine maybe this is a sign I should work with Sharon...
Since she loves Divine we could make a deal and destroy the relationship while I destroy her too, killing two birds with one stone..

Crystal I'm doing this for you if Divine can breakup with his girlfriend for you definitely he can breakup with you for another girl and trust me I won't want to see you hurt so I have to end it now before it goes deeper and uncontrollably. 

I cant even focus on this book am reading, why cant she see I love her, I practically left Kings to be close to her, why cant she notice me, why cant she see am the best person in her life..

I would win your heart Crystal with everything and I dont care how long it would take me.


I woke up late today and my first paper is starting by 8:30am I quickly went to have my bath and dressed up looking  at the time it was already 8am , I didnt bother to check on mum, i quickly ran out of the house...
Luckily I got to school exactly 8:48am but exams hasn't started, I looked at Crystal and she gave me this shocked look and I gave her a sign that I was fine...

Crystal  and i weren't in the same exam hall  which would make my work easier since Sharon Dery was in my exam hall. Speaking of Sharon I turned and I saw her gisting loudly with Marvel and I smiled to myself, I would  settle this after our first paper.

Few minutes after the exams, I quickly rushed to Sharon because I didnt want Crystal to know I was meeting up with her. Sharon gave this funny look but I told it was urgent and we would benefit from this.. sluggishly she decided to talk and we did it privately ThankGod she had sense.

Sharon was very happy with my proposal but I told her the plan starts after our first holiday so that it would be easier  to put it in motion.

Rose why do you want to do this to Crystal she is your friend dont you think we are going to far...

I can't believe the devil had a conscience I replied   she quickly kept quite, we shook hands and I quickly went to meet Crystal and I knew she has being looking for me.

Rose where did you run off too earlier I tried calling you after your paper, she asked .

I changed the subject and asked her about her papers, she smiled and said it was nice I even asked of Divine and I could see her blushing... 
we where trying to  buy something and I didnt have change so Crystal decided to pay  as she opened her bag and was searching for the money a piece of paper dropped, I quickly used my feet to step on it so she wont see it, then I picked it up stylishing, hid it inside my pocket.

I could hear Divine screaming Crystal's name but I prayed hard she wont hear  but Crystal's ears was as sharp as a knife she quickly turned and smiled she wanted to run I had to hold her hand and asked her to act like a lady.

Look at them hugging and holding hands, so irritating I could feel my anger rising when  Divine decided to walk with us, but Crystal insisted he goes home but he refused  saying he would get a cab home...
I became the third wheel, I felt like slapping Divine until he ran home to his mummy..

Rose did you hear  what Divine said,  he wants his tummy to be big so that when he marries me I can be rubbing it, she said laughing so happily.. I could feel my blood boiling I literally had to fold my hands so I wont say or do anything stupid, I could feel the pain of my nails  piercing my skin, I just smiled  and said dont mind him..

She tried bringing me into the conversation but I wasn't finding it funny I pretended I was on call.

Divine finally got a call from God knows who so he kissed Crystal on the forehead and stopped a cab while  apologising for not knowing  Crystal home ... see this boy oh so he wants to know Crystal's  house so he can be coming whenever he pleases well today is not his day.

Rose I'm so lucky, Divine literally almost walked us home, see let's save money so we could all go on a double date after exams, since I would be going to the village for Christmas. Dont you think it would be a good idea?  She asked.

I said yes of course, that means I would have to invite my crush and I trust it would be fun just us four. I could see her glee, she hugged me so hard and said your the best person in my life and I love you,

At the moment i didnt care anymore i wanted to hear those words from her everyday i hugged her so hard and said i love you too, we got to her house and we said our goodbyes..

Walking down home, those words "best person in my life and I love you "  I could feel a thousand butterflies dancing in my tummy.. maybe if I allowed her to continue with Divine she would be saying this words to me, nah if I break them up she would have no one to turn too except me..


I got home and took out my Uniform, looking at my palm wow i have really given myself injury, was this how hard I controlled myself. 

no one was home which is a good thing at least  I would read well, i didnt think i wrote well today because of Crystal but i think now I  would concentrate since I have set my plans on motion with Sharon Dery.

While I was folding my uniform  a piece of paper fell off and I remembered the paper I picked it I quickly opened it and no other person than Divine..

Cheeky cheeks you looked so beautiful today same as yesterday and every other day with you, spending those few minutes means the world to me ...  I cant wait to see you tmoro, wait me for today I want to walk you home today...

With love from
The finest boy

Angrily i tore the paper, nonsense, which yeye fine boy if I had read this letter earlier i dont think he would have walked her, I that walk with her everyday am I a fool, let him enjoy it these few moment it would even make my work easier for me rubbish..

Reluctantly I brought out my books and started reading, let him enjoy this few moments before  his end comes...


Well well what is Rose planning?

I'm so happy for Crystal  finally she and Divine are having there moments...

Sorry for this late update, I finally got a job so it's hard updating ... but I would find a way ...

To all my new readers  I appreciate you all pls dont forget to click in the vote button

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