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Tears were coming out of my eyes once again Jimin hugged me and took me in his embrace as he carried me to his bedroom

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Tears were coming out of my eyes once again Jimin hugged me and took me in his embrace as he carried me to his bedroom. He gave me everything I needed even he let me talk to Wangbi.
I was wrong for him he is still the sweet boy I always knew but what made him change and become a criminal? Why is that guy out of prison?
So many questions
But still no answer
It was a nice and sunny day becoming more and more closer to the boys made me feel safe around them around 3 weeks has run across when I first met the boys. About Wangbi she knows everything and of course she remembered Jimin as he was her primary school crush before me that's why we fought back then funny huh...
Well you couldn't help to not fell in love with the most handsome kid at the primary school then...well he is still handsome but his character has changed he explained me everything why he left why he became like this and behind all of these his father is hiding it's his fathers fault he became like this..a criminal...a killer...but still...his heart still is the same around me and the other he is calm only his father stresses him out as always has the opportunity to successfully make him mad that easily only by his presence...Now about that jerk Angel he found a new girlfriend and whenever im around them he makes out with her thinking ill be jealous but why would he think such a think when i have Jimin. Wait did i said it right..a-am i felling for him again cuz i dont want to like he would never love and care for me even though he is my sweet childhood friend aka kidnapper he would never do such a thing but am i truly falling in love with him?      That question was going around my mind when a manly voice interupt my thoughts. Turning the head to the capture who was facing me I saw that someone my heart wanted to see for that long "Come down to eat Jin made for all of us breakfast" Jimin breaks the silence while cold tone washes over his words getting me completely confused about his sudden tone change at me "Are you ok Jimin?" I asked with a soft and yet sweet voice making him look at me blankily "Yeah, just come to eat the food will be cold" by finishing his lasts words his figure disappears from my site stubbing knifes against me heart feeling all guilty when my mood went down. Did i put him into a fight or somehting or did he got mad or sad about something I did? While talking with myself I had not realised i was sitting on the kitchen table in front of all the member "Good morning" I said with a calm and soft voice taking their attention as their gaze at me "I hope it can be good" Hoseok spoke up after my voice taking his gaze off you back to his food and phone typing messages to who knows who. While eating the breakfast everyone remain silent breaking my nerves from their sudden down mood. I couldnt see them like that i wanted to know what happened at least why are they acting all weird. Standing up straight up bumping the table with force anger controlling my body as i decided to break the strong ice thats was covering us "Can someone tell me why the fuck are you like this cuz it really gets on my nerves changing so sudde-" i was cut off of one of them throwing something i do not expected to get out from his mouth "Y/n can you please shut up" Jungkook spoke looking at me with and expression it hard to read. Expression mixed with anger sadness and stress. I felt hurt his words were like knife until Namjoon spoke up "Can't you see Y/n" he started laughing sarcastically making me glare at him so many questions all over my head ready to make my brain explode "Or are you blind" he continued to say "Umm see what Namjoon" I looked over to the members looking one by one. At a moment I saw only 6 guys on the table getting completely confused
"W-weres Tae?" As I said those words Hoseok run upstairs sobbing hearing his friends name Jungkook remain silent looking down at his fit while Suga had a completely blank expression with no feelings nothing "He...he is gone..." at his words made my eyes grew big "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY HE IS GONE" Namjoon grabbed me from my shoulders "He got caught by some of our enemy's the one that are looking for you and they said that if we don't give them what they want they will kill Tae"  I was about to cry holding back my tears as I could remaining calm "What they want we can give it to them right..?"
I could see all their gazes at me worry was all over their faces as Jimin spoke "They want you...so we can take Tae back" At his words my eyes got blurry and tears were forming "For what I-i haven't done anything..." I stepped back I couldn't trust them at such a moment stepping back once again.
Jimin : "Y/n"
Y/n : "Don't come near me all of you get away from me"
Jungkook : "Y/n calm down please"
Y/n : "Shut up let me alone...I know you care about tae more than me and I know you will give me to those monsters but I haven't done anything to deserve it" I run outside the house I managed to finally do it without their protection. It was dark, the silence was dominating the darkness. Feeling the cold brushing against my body...no one...no one cared for me...they didn't even come to find me...and I trusted them...but I was wrong Jimin may be my childhood friend but...I will never trust him again...keeping those words on my mind I heard a manly voice from behind me "Finally I found you" after what he said a strong grip was on my wrist pulling me backwards the man took something from his pocket and covered my mouth. I couldn't move my eyes starting burning as they slowly closed collapsing on the arms of they strange man...

Jimin POV
She is gone...now I won't see her ever again...Jin tried to find her but he didn't saved her. He saw the whole scene but he didn't prevented to catch her. Tae came back so we know in whose hands is she right now. Don't worry Y/n baby I'll come and take you back then you'll be mine forever...

(A/n : guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter I has long that I hadn't updated anything in both of my stories.
What do you think of Y/n will Jimin and the rest find her or nah

In love with a criminal  (Jimin ff)Where stories live. Discover now