|Intertwined Fates|

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The bitter feeling in the pit of your stomach made your face twist with a grimace as you sat in the back of Jin's car, Namjoon was up front with Jin, as the three of you were heading to a hideout Namjoon spoke of earlier.

You couldn't believe Jungkook had attacked Taehyung but worst of all, he got arrested too. You wanted to be angry with him yet deep down you couldn't bring yourself to do so because your emotions were clouded by the small chance that you can still stop and save him before he loses control.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Namjoon asks as he turns to you with a warm dimpled smile. He noticed how quite you were since leaving Jungkook's apartment, no doubt he knew you were worried for him.

"I'm fine...I guess." you whisper as you glance over to Jin whom was concentrating on driving. Upon meeting Jin, you already knew he was a vampire since you remembered him as the vampire that turned you in your past life. The encounter was awkward yet It felt so surreal to see him in person and not in a strange dream.

"We are almost there. Once we reach the hideout, we'll sit down and talk." Namjoon says as he looks to Jin then back over to you. "We all have alot of explaining to do." he adds as he faces the front again.


It was already getting dark out as Jin pulls up to a large mansion that was located on the outskirts of town. It looks like it has been abandoned for a very long time as it was covered in thick leaves and vines. The windows were broken in and some were even boarded up and upon the trail were signs indicating for trespassers to stay out.

"Where are we?" You ask as you open the car door and step outside.

Jin and Namjoon do the same and step out of the car. Jin looks around silently while Namjoon fiddles with his bag and takes out a set of old keys.

"This the Kim Manor, my family's home." He says as he approaches the old front door and unlocks it.

The door opens with a low groan and the smell of fungus and wet grass were the first to greet you, followed by a cold breeze that sent chills throughout your body. You step inside and see that the place was practically empty, except for a few furnishings that were left to rot.

"Why is this place abandoned?" Jin asks as he looks around the foyer with interest.

"A long time ago this used to be my family's home, but they migrated to Ilsan and left this place as a hideout." says Namjoon as he approaches a large table and places his bag down upon it. "No one ever comes this far out into the woods so we are safe." he adds as he opens his bag and takes out a large lantern and turns it on, illuminating the room with a orange glow.

"Where is Taehyung?" you ask as you watch him take out a few candles and light them up.

"Taehyung should be here any minute." he replies as he finishes lighting the candles and looks over to Jin who was staring out the window.

You follow his gaze and swallow down abit of anxiety as you step closer to him. "Namjoon...i'm sorry about not believing you earlier about vampires." you whisper as you look over to Jin again.

"It's fine Y/n. I didn't expect you to believe me in the first place." says Namjoon with a small smile. "But now that you are aware, things aren't going to be easy from here on out."

"I know." you sigh deeply as you thought of Jungkook. "Earlier you mentioned a vampire named Jung Hoseok attacked you, who is he?" you ask.

Namjoon's face hardens and he looks away for a moment, his eyes shifting from side to side in deep thought.

"He's a vampire hunter that went rouge." Taehyung's voice echoes into the room.

Namjoon's face softens the the sight of his brother entering the room, along side him was Yoongi and Jimin.

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