The Punishment

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"EXPULSION??" Violet shouted.

"I'm sorry Miss Seier," said Principal Carver, "but I clearly remember stating that if you committed one more misdemeanor, you would be expelled from Ericson High."

"BUT GABE WAS HARASSING SOMEONE! I SHOULD BE GIVEN A FUCKING MEDAL IF ANYTHING!" Violet stood up and screamed at the middle aged bearded man.

"Watch your mouth or I may just turn you over to the police for assault and battery, young lady!" he said, his voice slightly raised. The principal sighed. "Mister García tells me that you two ladies cornered him in one of our corridors and hit him, and I certainly have no reason to doubt him considering his current state!" He said as he motioned towards the window that looked into the secretary's office. Gabe was sitting in a chair, and his left cheek was swollen from the blow Violet had delivered to him.

Violet scoffed. She knew the real reason why Carver didn't doubt his story. He was part of a well-known wealthy family, who regularly donated to the school. If Carver were to take the side of anyone else besides Gabe, the Garcia's would reign great terror upon the school and even Carver himself, she thought.

"I'd have expected nothing less from you Miss Seier, but Miss Marsh I am shocked to see you acting out," said Carver. "As punishment you will serve 1 week's detention."

"Mr. Carver, I don't know Violet very well, but I can vouch for her in that she was just trying to protect me from serious harm! I beg of you to please rethink your decision. A much lighter punishment than expulsion seems plenty fair enough to me," Clementine affirmed. Carver brought his index finger and thumb to the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

"Fine, Miss Marsh. Because you seem to care about Miss Seier enough to keep her in school, you can serve 1 month's detention with her every day after school." One month's detention?? thought both girls simultaneously. 

Oh no, I have to spend one entire month having to look at this girl and blushing every time I look into those forest-green eyes?? thought Clementine.

Damn did I leave my sink on at home?? thought Violet. That long of a detention sentence didn't phase her. She practically lived in detention. But it was pretty cool of that Marsh girl to get me off the hook, she thought. I gotta remember to make it up to her somehow.

"Your punishment begins immediately, so please report to Miss Dorian's room for detention" said Carver.

The two stand and step out of both offices. Clementine first and Violet following her, making sure to flip off Gabe before closing the door.
A/N: Unfortunately the pictures I was talking about are in portrait style instead of landscape so I can't use them for headers :/ but I will pick my favorite one and use it as the cover art. Also the song I added reminds me so much of Violentine (probably bc I saw it used in an edit of them but ya know ¯\_()_/¯)

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