Quick Episode 4 Theory

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Ok so I started thinking about what might happen in episode 4 and I came up with a couple theories:

If you chose to save Louis instead of Violet:

Violet and Minerva will die due to the fact that Violet didn't believe Clem when she told her there was a bomb. I think Minerva and Violet will reconcile while Clem fights Lilly. Then when everyone meets up after the explosion they might find Violet and Minerva dead holding hands or something? So they put them down before they turn and then take them back to the school and bury them together.

If you chose to save Violet instead of Louis:

Violet knows about the bomb so she and everyone else will get out in time, including Louis. Violet and Minerva will reconcile back at the school (and depending on if Clem is friends with Violet or in a relationship), they will either get back together or stay friends.

They made it seem like choosing to save Violet instead of Louis was a bad choice because he gets his tongue cut out, but maybe they did that because in the long run it would be better to save Violet because they all live and Minnie gets a redemption arc.

Just theories but lemme know what you guys think!

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