The First Detention

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I made a 93 on my AP Chem test so here's a chapter and a dope rap song to celebrate, babes 🥴🤪
So seduction was MUCH harder than Clementine had initially believed. The pair had made it to Miss Dorian's classroom and were tasked with cleaning the school's pool. They currently had been working for half an hour in complete silence, with Violet skimming leaves off of the water, and Clementine sweeping the concrete surrounding the pool. The brunette was eager to have Violet get to know her better, but neither of them had initiated the conversation, which led to the silence that had shrouded over them for 30 minutes. Until Violet finally spoke up.

"How about we take a break and do something a little more entertaining?" She smirked, setting the net down. She started to get undressed. Clementine's eyes widened and her breathing quickened.

"Uh I—I..." She tried to get the words out, but her tongue felt too big for her mouth. Violet just stood there in her bra and panties, puzzled at Clementine's rambling.

"What? We're gonna go for a swim," the blonde said.

Oh thank God, Clementine thought.

"I'm not very confident with my figure though..." Clementine responded. She had suffered from low self-esteem from a very young age, and she still refused to change in front of people in the locker rooms during P.E.
"I just don't feel comfortable stripping down. I'm-I'm sorry."

"No that's cool! I wouldn't ever want to do something that you're not comfortable with, Clem." Violet responded, slipping her jeans back on.

D-did she just call me Clem?? Clementine thought. No one calls her that, except her parents and AJ. Her heart skipped a beat, and she subconsciously began to smile at the thought of her crush calling her by her nickname. Violet saw her smiling and started to smile too.

Damn she does have a cute smile, Violet observed. Shit, Violet, keep it together! You barely know her! We can't let this happen to us again. Not after Minnie... She sighed.

"How about we play a game instead?" Violet asked, pulling out a quarter from her pocket.

"Sure, what kind of game?" Clem responded.

"Truth or dare, but with a twist," the delinquent said with an evil grin. She had the perfect game to get to know the girl with the baseball cap. "We flip the coin; if it lands on heads, you give me a dare to do, but if it lands on tails, I get to ask you a truth. Deal?" She asked.

"You are so on, Seier!" Clementine smirked. She was definitely not gonna go easy on the girl, no matter how cute she was. Clementine took the quarter from her and flipped it. Tails. Dammit.

"What's your favorite color?" Violet questioned.

"Easy! Purple," Clementine answered.

"Purple?" Violet snickered. "Really?"

"What? I like purple." Clementine fired back.

"Hmmm, okay." Violet shrugged. The girl's favorite color is purple, and her crush's name is Violet. What a coincidence, Violet thought. It was no coincidence. Violet took the coin from the brunette's hand and flipped it. Heads. Oh shit.

Clementine looked into Violet's eyes, a mischievous smile on her face. "I dare you to tell Miss Dorian that she smells like a dog's ass." Clementine said.

"Bet." Violet said before running off to Miss Dorian's classroom. She returned a few minutes later, laughing her ass off so much that she had tears in her eyes.

"What's so funny??" Clementine questioned, annoyed at her failure to embarrass the blonde.

"She told me I had detention for the next two days, but joke's on her because I already did in the first place!" Violet said, wiping the tears from her red face. "Her face was PRICELESS!"

Clementine rolled her eyes and snatched the coin out of her hand. She tossed it into the air. Tails. Ok the last question was pretty mild, so this one should be easy. Clem thought.

"What do you like about me?" Violet inquired, staring deep into Clementine's eyes, so much so that the golden-eyed girl felt like she was staring into her soul.

"That's easy! I like your eyes, your smile, your hair..." Clementine listed. Violet shook her head.

"No like what do you like about my personality?" She asked.

"Oh well uh your...heart?" Clementine said. Why did she find that so hard to answer??
Violet sighed.

"I'll tell you a story, Marsh. Last year, I had a girlfriend. Her name was Minnie. I had seen her around school, and I was captivated by her looks. She was so beautiful that I was convinced it was love at first sight. I finally mustered up the courage to ask her out, and she actually said yes. We had been going out for about a week when I noticed something. She was an absolute nightmare. She was abusive towards her friends, her parents, and even me. I was nothing but a slave in her eyes. She made me do things for her, and if I refused to do them, she would berate me and threaten to out me to my parents, who are super homophobic. I lost so many friends and got in so much trouble at school because of the stuff she made me do. My parents eventually had to switched me to Ericson high after a particularly bad incident that involved breaking in and stealing from a teacher's car. I broke off contact with Minnie after the switch, and thankfully I haven't heard from her ever since..." Violet said with her head held down.

"I'm so sorry, Vi. I can't imagine how hard it was for you to be put in such a terrible situation like that," Clementine sympathized.

Vi...I like that nickname, Violet thought. She looked up at Clementine.

"Now you see why I refuse to like someone before I get to know who they really are. I just can't go through that again. But I know you're different from Minnie. That's why I wanted to get to know you. I wanted to give this a chance, and, hopefully, in the process you could get to know me too?" Violet asked, hope sparkling in her green eyes. Clementine smiled.

"I'd love to, Vi," she said. She suddenly leaned in and wrapped her arms around Violet's neck, resting her head on her shoulder. Violet blushed, then began to slowly wrap her arms around the other girl's waist. She closed her eyes and breathed in Clem's perfume. She could have sworn it smelled like...violets. After a few minutes of staying like this, they broke apart and looked into each other's eyes, both girls' pupils dilated. Violet blushed and looked away.

"Maybe we should, um, head back to the classroom? Detention's almost over." She said, shoving her hands in the pockets of her hoodie. Clementine nodded shyly and followed the delinquent out of the pool yard. Clementine's mind was flooded with so many thoughts, but one particular thought stood out to her the most.

God I love detention

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