Ch 3. Meet The Gang and The Party! Part 1

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Author's note: Sorry about the problem of making Ch3. But as promise I will make it in no time! Enjoy! <3 I don't own Voltron and the characters btw.

"Adam!", Shiro said gasping as she sees her boyfriend. "Hey babe!", said Adam as he hugs his girlfriend. Shiro explained Adam everything about when she defended Lance and Kathy from the clutches of Nyma. "I see but it's okay Takako", said Adam hugging his lover. "Adam kun...", said Shiro softly. "Adam kun?", said Kathy in a confused voice. "It's a nickname she uses in Japanese.", Adam said when explaining to Kathy. "Oh, I see.", said Kathy. "For me, I was born in Texas and also half Japanese as well.", she said proudly. "Interesting!", said Adam, "Well welcome but Takako and I have some plans right now so we gotta run!", he said when he looked at his watch and grabs Shiro's hands and run. "Bye Kathy, we'll meet again someday!", said Shiro as she runs off with her boyfriend and Kathy was totally confused. "Oookay?", Kathy said confusedly as two short teens appeared behind her and the light brown short haired girl with light brown eyes and glasses, wears a green shirt, jeans, and orange and white sneakers sighed. "There they go again.", said the girl with glasses. "Yep. They're always running off.", said the red haired boy with blue eyes, yellow and red jacket with a brown shirt, blue jeans, and light brown sneakers with a British accent. Kathy turns around, "Huh? Who are you?", she asked to the short duo. "I'm Bandor and this is my friend Pidge.", the ginger replied. "Sup girl?", said Pidge being sassy. And suddenly Lance runs back to Kathy and the two younger teens. "Hey guys!", said Lance, "I've got let off early!", he shouted. "Lance!", Kathy shouted, "You're back!", as she hugs her friend. "Hey lover boy, is this your new girlfriend or something?", she teased at the Cuban boy as he blushed. "No, we were just friends!", said Lance as a big boned boy with a dark skin, short black hair with a orange headband,  yellow shirt with green vest, brown pants, and white, black, and boots appeared. "Oh hey Hunk!", said Lance waving at his big friend. "Hey Lance!", said Hunk cheerfully like a human cinnamon roll he really is as he say "hi" to Pidge and Bandor. "So who's the new girl?", said Hunk pointing at Kathy. "This is Kathy and she is cute...", said Lance shyly. "I-I mean....", he stuttered. "It's fine.", said Kathy as she walks to Hunk. "Hunk Garrett, right?", she said as she tried to shake hands with Hunk. "Yep!", said Hunk as he gently shakes Kathy's hand since he's a gentle giant and a gentleman as he won't break Kathy's delicate hand.  "I saw your name at my class.", said Kathy as she smiled. "Oh cool!", said Hunk but suddenly three girls appeared. The dark skinned girl with long white hair, blue eyes, pink and purple blouse, magenta jean shorts, and white and pink medium boots is the first one to say, "Why hello there Lance.", she said with a British accent. "Hi...", Lance said shyly as the gang turns and sees the three girls. "Who's she?", said Kathy looking at the white haired girl.  "This is Allura..", the shy Lance said as something troubling him. "Oh, where are my manners?", said Allura, "I'm Allura Raimon and these are my friends Romelle and Acxa.", as she introduces her cousin and friend.  Romelle Pollux is the pigtailed blonde with blue eyes and she is Bandor's older sister and Allura's cousin. And Alisa "Acxa" Banks is the other girl with dark blue hair and purple eyes like Kathy and has a crush on Lance's older sister Veronica. "Please to meet you all.", said Kathy as Lance standing there putting his hands to the pockets of his jacket. "Yeah, you could say these three are on the more popular side...", Lance said with a sarcastic, deadpan voice. "At least they're not bad as Jessica and her posse, mostly Nyma.", Kathy said honestly as Lance agrees. Romelle chuckles as she sees her little brother and Pidge together. "Your girlfriend is soooo cute!", Romelle said teasingly at her own brother. "Well you're the one who is falling for Pidge's older brother Matt!", said Bandor making a comeback at his sister. The siblings bickered and Allura breaks the two up, "Knock it off you two!",  she said. "Sorry cousin Allura...", the siblings said with a guilty face. "Wait, they're your cousins?", said Kathy. "Yes, they are.", said Allura as she smiles while Romelle and Bandor pouted.

After that, Lance sits at a table at the park and Kathy sits right next to him and the tall boy blushes. "S-so uh Kathy.", said Lance being shy at the raven haired girl. "There's going to be a party this weekend... Wanna go?" Kathy was shocked and even though she's not a party person but she'll try. "Umm, sure.", she said with a agreeable nod. Lance is happy and hugs his friend as Kathy blushed and giggles just to show her feminine side. Lance blushed and Hunk jumps out of the bushes. "Woohoo! Way to go Lance!", Hunk shouted. "H-huh? H-hunk?!", said the shockingly surprised Lance as the gentle giant chuckles nervously and Kathy was also confused as well. "You ok Kath?", said Lance. "Yeah.", said Kathy no longer being confused. "Well, see you guys later at the party!", said Hunk leaving. "Okay!", said Lance, "And see you later pretty lady.", he winked at Kathy and leaving her speechless and blushing. Meanwhile at the Kogane Residence, Kathy drags her mom Krolia to her room finding some clothes to wear at the party. "Are you sure that you're going to the party?", said Krolia being concerned to her only child. "Yeah, I'm think I am.", Kathy said nervously. "So what do you want to wear?", her mother said. "I think I'm gonna wear my gray tanktop with my red jacket and then a miniskirt.", Kathy said. Krolia is not sure but... "Hmm, I had a idea!", said Krolia with a big smirk. "Oh? and that is?", the curious raven girl said to her mom. Krolia drags Kathy to her room and shows her a red and black keyhole halter top, white miniskirt, and black and gold boots! "O-oh wow...", said Kathy. "A-are you sure about that?", she said nervously.  "Trust me, I've even wore this bad girl when I was your age.", said Krolia proudly. "Okay.", said Kathy, "Then I'll wear it!", said Kathy as she takes the outfit that her mom used to wear and tries them on and after that she walks out to show her mother as she waits for her.

"So, does it look good?", said Kathy answering her mother

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"So, does it look good?", said Kathy answering her mother. "Yes, it does...", said Krolia tearfully as she hugs her daughter. And so, Krolia does the makeup and hair for Kathy and Kathy has her hair tied to a ponytail and wears red lipstick, pink blush, and dark purple eye shadow. "There's one thing that is missing...", said Kathy. "And what's that?", said Krolia as Kathy grabs her red jacket putting it on, "This!", she said. "Oh, okay.", said Krolia as the two starting driving all the way to the party.

To Be Continued

Well that was long! Sorry that I have to give you guys a cliffhanger but I wanted to thank Scarlet/Sage for the Pidge x Fem!Keith art and me for drawing Kathy wearing the outfit that she's wearing. So, see you guys later! And small note: "Raimon" is one of King Alfor's original name in Beast King GoLion and while Pollux is a name of Arus' sister planet in Voltron Defender of The Universe where Romelle and Bandor lives there and both used to be Allura's cousin in this version along with the original Japanese version which is gory and violent for the kiddies! So, that is all! :3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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