Coffee and Conference Calls

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"Does that sound ok Grace?" A voice in the distance said.

"Huh?" Grace mumbles after being awoken from her daze.

"We were just talking about the book tour dates. Are they ok for you?" A woman sitting across the table from Grace asks sweetly.

Grace had been with the publishers for two or three hours now and slowly but surely her lack if sleep from the last few nights was catching up with her. This is probably the most important meeting Grace would be having with the publishers and she was finding it hard to even stay awake. The only thing that was keeping her awake was the four cups of coffee she had drank before she entered the conference room.

They were making the final adjustments to the book and Grace was feeling both excited but very nervous at the same time. She couldn't believe that one of her childhood dreams was coming true but at the same time she didn't want this book to be a complete flop. She was just worried that people wouldn't like it.

On top of that worry, she was worried about Hannah and herself. They had barely made it when Hannah was on tour and Grace's tour was nearly twice as long. She didn't think they could make it but then she came to the realisation one night when she was lying awake in bed. That when two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is too far, no time is too long and other love can break them apart.

After a couple more topics they had to address, Grace was free to go. She thanks them as usual and walks out of building cheerfully. She had the final copy of her book in her bag and she couldn't wait to go home to show Hannah. She just got to her car when she her phone started beeping. It was a text from Hannah.

Hey babe! I just wondering if you could pick up some stuff for tonight on your way home? Oh yeah, how'd the meeting go? Book finsihed now? x

She smiles at her phone before answering back quickly.

No problem, I'll head to the store now. It went really good although I nearly fell asleep a few times haha :) Yeah I'm officially an author...well alsmost x

Almost immedialty, Hannah responds.

I'm so proud of you babe :) We're celebrating you tonight, ok? Now, come home soon you dumb dumb! I love you :)

Grace simply smiles at her phone and hops into her car. Hannah and her will be ok she thinks. They can make it through everything, can't they?

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