I think I do

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It's been four weeks and am already in love with BJP. So far so good school have been fun, I have met different people who I have grown to love some dislike while I admired some. Laura and Gift are one of those I have grown to love and admire they have been so sweet and have made me popular among seniors and I ended up been loved by many of them.
We have written our first test and I scored the highest in all the tests which made me earn respect from my mates and that kinda look from them some positive some negative.
My hair had started to grow really fast .
Did I tell you I had a long hair ?
I think you should know cause I have really earned lots of compliments from my classmates because of my hair
Some where like wow what do you use on your hair cause it really grows fast.

I am now close with a girl called Mary my best buddy for now she stays in my estate and she is Laura's sister i met her with Laura one day I went to Laura's class Laura told me that she was the sister she had that she do tell me about though I have been seeing Mary I never knew she was Laura's sister she was in commercial class and they do come for combine classes with us during afternoon classes anyway I really like her she is fun to be with, calm and witty.
Today is a Friday and we just closed from FCS . I must say it was boring especially the praise and worship but what can I do.
Ever since I became friends with Mary we started going home together and coming to school in the morning alongside Laura and my big brother
Here I am outside the school gate Waiting for Mary to finish buying what she wants to buy I caught smart looking at me and this time around he didn't look away . I was not comfortable so I looked away.
Aww my bad you must be wondering who Smart is yeah He is that unknown guy I have a crush on .
I now know his name cause he is a bit popular but not that popular over popular type of guy yeah he kinda like the cutest but I think that's all I know about him for now

"Mary are you not done" I asked her already tired of waiting

"Why are you nao shouting at me I never knew you like been inside your house like this ooo oya let's go"she said and I laughed which calmed me down a bit.
We walked to the junction with other girls and boys including Smart.
Everyone was talking but I didn't contribute . When we got to the junction I stopped a cab for me and Mary "Sun city estate"I told the cab driver "500 naira" the driver said and I tapped Mary and we entered the cab together she waved at our classmates but I didn't. I am that kind of introverted girl to many people but I have this fun me within
The ride home was at first silent then she broke it.
"What's wrong with you" she asked me "nothing" I answered

"Its a lie I know you are lying tell me the truth you know you got a confidant in me I know something is wrong talk to me nao"

You know Smart nao yes shebi its the one in science class nao she said.
Yes I said
What happened to him
I think he likes me
Really how did you know she said
After telling her about my experiences so far she sighed and told me not to worry that she will help me find out if he likes me I was very happy. "How will you do it" I asked she then told me she will go to him on Monday morning and ask him if he likes her friend Nifemi and she laughed when she saw the look on my face then she said I was joking ooo just leave it to me and i thanked her again
"But do you like him?"Mary asked me
After few seconds I answered her saying
"I think I do"

O my gosh am so excited about this chapter and I think I am more excited about the one to come

Am truly sorry for delaying I love you guys thanks for 67 reads and 33 votes please help me promote this book

Lol I think I will steal something

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