Hopeless Crush

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Its been  7 weeks I heard that Smart also has a crush on me. I thought when a person admits to liking you he makes a move but it was a different case with Smart he still had not made a move to talk to me he just settled with the eye contacts or should I say staring contest.

I guess he is also shy like me because i can't help myself Into talking to him. Anyway school has been awesome with the  new friends I had made apart from Goodness and Mary. There is Jane the one who suspects something been fishy between I and Smart and she confirmed it through and incidence.

That faithful day I was alone with Jane in class the bell had just been runged and I was standing by the window with Jane sitting on the seat there. It was actually a very funny experience.

I still had my back to Jane when he appeared and was like Hi grinning like a kid I just responded by smiling and waving back and he immediately took off saying a bye.

The next thing I heard was Jane saying what was that and I was like what was what. She then said why did Smart do the catholic crossing sign before he spoke to you and I was like I didn't say that and truly I didn't the only response she gave was a devilish sheepish smile and ever since then I have been teased by Jane especially when Smart passed.

Today, our exams will start with the agric practical which everyone does except the SSS3 who have picked their areas of concentration for their WAEC exam.

We were all reading for the exams and everyone was serious except me and a few others .I was jumping from one class to another with an exception of SSS1A2 my crush's class and I know that I don't need to explain to you the reason I didn't enter that class I know myself I did turn jelly if I sight him.

I was not reading, cause I don't read during the day but early hours of the day like 2am.
"Nifemi go and read and stop disturbing us" Goodness said

"Don't worry I will read later " I said .
Gringg Gringggg Gringggggg

"Now the bell has gone off when will be your later" Goodness said again but I answered her with a curt nod
it was the sound of the bell which signified that we should all move to the hall on the fifth floor where the WAEC and NECO exams do take place which we used for normal school exams. We all moved to the hall for the practical with many still revising which was something I never did.

When I got to the entrance of the hall people were already entering inside to be arranged the way the invigilators wanted it the hall was a massive one. It could actually contain 600 students with them sitting comfortably. When it got to my turn I was put in the middle of two SSS two. There were five attached chairs in a row I sat down on the middle chairs while the SSS two students sat at each edge. At my back was a SSS two student in the middle of two SSS one and it wasn't directly at my back because there was a full seat separating us.

The arrangement was completed when the invigilators were satisfied with it and were sure it won't be easy for us to cheat.

As one of the invigilators was giving out the do and don't for the exam others were sharing the exam questions and answer booklets .
The invigilator passed without giving me mine and I had to talk.

"Ma you have not given me " I said and most of the students at the front turned to see the student who just talked I bowed my head after I was given mine and said a short prayer. When I looked up my eyes met his and I noticed he had been looking at me since. " Start now" the invigilator said then he smiled before turning away it felt different I had this joy in my heart which I had not felt before for a cause like this .

I finished my papers and immediately went home with Mary in other to prepare for the remaining exams.

Today we had our last paper which was civic. when we finished the exam with smiles on our faces we were asked to wait for one hour for our holiday assignment and other announcements.

My seatie had mood swings and I knew why it was because she was not in good terms with her crush but at least she was better than me she had a crush on Godstime who was also in art class and he also had a crush on her .

Godstime and Goodness are always together gisting even if they are not dating unlike me who have talked to my crush once I only know his name and am not even sure he knows mine.

I was on a mission in search of Godstime and I heard he was in SSS1A2 but I don't have a choice I just have to enter the class and talk to him. when I got to their door it was closed and I wondered why. I knocked on the door only for it to be opened by my crush Smart who was smirking he stood at the opened part of the door stopping me from entering then he said "Hi" and I said "Fine" gosh did I just say that that was the most stupid thing I have blurted out from my mouth and I looked down embarrassed I looked up and saw him looking at me then he said " Michael told me that you..." "please do you know where Godstime is " I said cutting him short and pushing him from the door as I gained entrance into the class.

I knew what he wanted to say because in the past few weeks I and his best friend had become friends.


Flashback to three weeks ago

"Hey Nifemi I noticed the way you do look at Smart do you like him?"
"No I don't why will I like someone like him" I said
"I know you are lying just tell me the truth" he said
"OK OK OK I do but please don't tell him " I said " OK I won't dear " he said

End of flashback
So you see why I didn't want him to talk I didn't want him to think I was desperate.
After the announcement and all I went home with Mary after saying goodbye to some people.
I went home feeling stupid for my actions today with the pain in my heart that reminded me that I won't be seeing him till next year. And knowing the crush was hopeless.

Hey guys how was it

Thanks for 106 reads and 57 votes am still shocked at the rapid increase in the votes and reads

I love u guys please continue with me on this long journey don't go back

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