It is because of Olugbemi

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Few months ago this short lonely walk was taken with the most annoying human I have met on earth.
Yeah who else but Olugbemi's first child and only son. Don't say I am dramatic but the walk to Mary's house is making me nostalgic.

It was a walk I took with Stephen every morning though sometimes a quiet one it was still fun compared to this one I was taking in a jean pinafore with an ash white turtleneck shirt and a white and ash all stars sneakers with my hair combed and parted at the side.

One thing I loved about Mrs Olugbemi was that    she had a great fashion sense though she was too decent she still had great taste like her perfect combination of colors and beautiful covered up clothes she either requests to be sewn or she buys.

I got to Mary's  house and knocked on their gate. Awudu opened the gate and let me in.
I tapped the door bell and Laura opened the door.

" hey baby how are you today?" She asked smiling with her perfectly arranged teeth on display.
" I am fine ooo how are you too and how was your night?" I asked with a beaming smile. Ouch my bad you all don't know what I look like. I said it before that I am not pretty and I envy Stephen a whole lot he has everything to be called handsome.

I will say I am 5'8 in height, my complexion falls in between the dark and the fair you can call me caramel. I have perfectly carved and full eyebrows which are the only thing I like about my face. I have large eyeballs and dwarf lashes my lips the heart shaped one and big cheeks the size of a scotch egg owh my nice pointed but flat in the hole region a bit.

You might think I am pretty or so but have you met Stephen. " so when are you going to school?" I asked Laura not bothering to ask about Mary because I knew she was either just taking her bath or dressing up.

"Next month but I will miss you guys oo infact I wish you could come and stay here till I go but I am not sure your Mum will agree to that and if she does I am sure you will want to spend time with Stephen before he leaves too" she said at first with enthusiasm for the next month and with a rush for the rest which was finalized with sadness laced in her voice when she got to Stephen's part.

"We will miss you too most especially him" I said tapping her on her shoulder as I would to a Junior brother or sister I never had.
She just laughed a sad laugh and brushed my hand off her shoulder

"So you guys have been talking about me"
Mary said walking down the stairs like the queen she thought she was. She was putting on a skinny jean trouser and a baggy vintage shirt.
She had packed her hair into two not folding it into a bun or donut but leaving them to dance in her shoulder she also wore a black Good luck shoe to finish her dressing. I must say she was looking good.

" see this mama ooo is it not you I am talking to?" She said bringing me out of the process of assessing her and that was when I noticed that Laura had left the room.
" umm what did you say" I said because I had only gotten half of what she said.

" nothing let's just go" she said holding my hand that wasn't carrying my bag
" bye Laura"  we both said as we were about to step into the compound from the house.
I heard a muffled bye alongside don't kill those boys because we had already stepped outside to leave the gate.

Walking down to the tuck shop with Mary we gossiped about a lot of people and laughed. Our talks had fully been focused on a particular  girl in SSS3 that was carrying a half made hair under an ugly looking scarf. She was the daughter of one of the most hated staff in the school.

She was only paying ten percent of the school fees we the day students paid. I disliked the girl because she like to be what she is not. I heard rumors that she had been carrying the half made hair which length was touching her back ankle because she didn't have money to get the four attachments to be used to make the hair and had only been able to get two and ever since the beginning she had been tying one ugly looking scarf to another.

Today she was still the object of mockery in the senior class because she was putting on a transparent white gown that showed the blue bra she was wearing. Funnily enough she wasn't even wearing a tight on the pant and her derriere showcased for all to see. I just didn't get it if she was just stupid or an upcoming slut.

I even saw some junior boys pointing at her and laughing as we walked down and I nd Mary couldn't help it but also laugh.

The break given to us was over and we returned to class. Mary was my sitting partner unless we had different subjects.
We were few who came to the lesson which made them combine the science art and commercial in a class.

" good morning students" our SSS2 civic teacher who would also be taking us government said as he walked into the class and cleaned the marker board at the same time scribbling the world Political Apathy on the board.

" good morning sir" we said standing up
" how was your break? Hope you bought everything in the tuck shop and canteen?" He said smiling sheepishly getting  few replies and also smiles from some.

" okay back to business" he said
" what is Political Apathy" he added and no one responded.
After calling few names he knew and getting answers he was not satisfied with he called me
" Olugbemi tell us what Political Apathy means"

I stood up not really sure of the answer but from the world Apathy I defined it to be the indifference of people towards political activities

" good sit down Benjamin tell us what it means"  he said to Benjamin which was Smart.
Benjamin was his surname. I looked towards his direction to see him standing up
" em em em it's is the indifference  of people to political activities" he said stammering and repeating almost all i said

" why are you stammering or is your girlfriend here" the man said grinning at him
" it is because of Olugbemi"
Not one, not two, not three voices said coming from his side with laughter following it.
I turned to their direction with wide eyes and discovering that it was his gang that said it.
" owh she is your girlfriend and she is a fine and smart girl ooo sha sit down" the man said which increased the shock on my face and gave me a pinch from Mary who was covering her mouth to laugh.

"It is because of Olugbemi" she said whispering in my ear and laughing forgetting the man was still in class which earned her the punishment of standing till he left and made me the one who laughed last.

I am still laughing 😂
That embarrassing moment 😂😂😂😂🤗
I love Smart's friends they left the both of them in a wicked corner

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