Chapter Three

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You may have wondered why I haven’t told anyone about my hallucinations.
Well because I have it under control -don’t roll your eyes at me- seriously I’m holding tight to the thread separating them from reality.

My hallucinations are almost comical.
I mean a pink lizard, a giant koala bear, a flying puppy & last but not least the infinity symphony.
They don’t scare me.

Disgust me sometimes ?

maybe, that black mucus, yikes.

Come on my brain, you could do so much better than this, you can & you will.

And now I sound just like miss Lawson, she is rubbing off on me & I don’t know how I feel about this, but I know the following at school I learned a lot of words -obviously- but there is one specific word that I cherished ‘Escapism’, escaping the reality.

Some people read, others write, others play sports & I hallucinate.

They are almost comforting to me, I don’t know how or why, but they are.

They are my form of escapism, but what am I trying to escape to or even from ?

I don’t know.

Yet. I don’t know yet, cause if I say I can then I could.


Dammit miss Lawson.

But I know one thing for sure right now, those blue eyes & their owner are really starting to creep me.

Forget all the puppy talk I said earlier about angels & enchantment.

He even made me lose my appetite, sorry pink lizard with black mucus pouring eyes, I think I just met your competitor.

It’s not like I’m uncomfortable with how I look.

I am very uncomfortable with how I look especially with strangers staring at me.

I don’t have a killer legs or smooth curves or beautiful enchanting blue eyes -here I go again-

I guess I only have my wit & my smile, and the latter is according to dad.
I myself see nothing special about it, but anyway since my introvert mode is installed almost all the time & I’m adopting a new style with minimum smiling policy ever since I came here, my winning strategies are no longer valid.

So I wonder what is it that makes a guy with beautiful enchanting angelic eyes -AGH- interested in me ?

Well let me see,

my dirty blond hair is pulled up in a messy pony tail.

Don’t think so.

Hmm, may be it’s the maroon cardigan I’m wearing on my simultaneously black blouse & jeans, colourful right ?

But probably not that.

Ah! It’s probably my gold bird necklace. it has ‘My Hero’ written on the bird’s wing, but that guy must have binoculars for eyes in order to read it.

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