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 "Where there is love there is life." - Mahatma Gandhi


Keenan and Kyle are out on the deck having a three-way call with Marc while I pack, and I envy them with a passion. I had insisted that I couldn't hear Marc's voice until we are face to face, and Marc reluctantly agreed. So, my boys have been on the phone with him for the last hour, grilling him one minute, and then laughing and joking the next. I am so anxious to be with him I am literally flying apart at the seams in anticipation.

And in three days I will finally see him! I can't believe it!

I've talked with Megan twice a day for the past few days. Not surprisingly, she is ecstatic with the way things have turned out. Each phone call ends with her tearfully telling me how happy she and Aabharan are for us, and assuring me of Marc's love. The last is completely unnecessary. I asked her how they felt knowing there would be no grandchildren from Marc. Megan promptly told me Keenan and Kyle will be their grandsons, something they are happily looking forward to because they love them so much already. And the great-grands will be an added bonus.

I add several folded sarees and my cosmetic bag to the suitcase before zipping it shut. I ordered the sarees a few days ago and had them shipped overnight, wanting to be prepared and respectful of Indian customs of modesty. But that doesn't mean my jeans and t-shirts won't get their wear as well. Placing the suitcase on the floor, I add a bright florescent red luggage tag to the handle.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I ponder what I am about to do. Some would say this is sheer madness, that I am losing it, that I am giving in to the fantasies of a middle-age woman. Some might say this isn't serious and he will never show. But my heart knows different. I have no idea of what to expect, yet at this moment I am not afraid. I am going to see the Taj Mahal, and I am meeting the love of my life.

Keenan and Kyle finally come in, both of them smiling. How I adore their smiles.

"So," Kyle says, "are you ready?"

Taking a deep breath, I nod. "As ready as I will ever be."

I am coming to the end of one chapter of my life and beginning another.

And I am ready to embrace it fully.

Letters In the Moonlight of Taj MahalWhere stories live. Discover now