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 "The course of true love never did run smooth." - William Shakespeare



Five days later.

"It's good to see you!" Marc, says again, slapping his cousin, Akeem, on the shoulder. The younger man had picked Marc up from the airport. They are now only fifteen miles away from the Taj Mahal–where the woman he loves beyond reason is waiting for him. He hates that it has taken him so long to get here. The day he was scheduled to leave, he ended up having to oversee emergency repairs at their second bed and breakfast in Christchurch, which ended up taking all day, so he'd had to change his flight. Because of a bad storm the following day, that flight had to be changed as well. He'd prayed like crazy he would make the next one and he had, but it was delayed for six hours. Convinced the universe was conspiring against him, he had thanked the heavens when he was finally in the air.

Each time he'd had to text Lyla had been painful because he could see her increasing sadness in her words, even though her texts had remained cheerful. He worries about her thoughts straying to negative ground, and thinks maybe she will wonder if he is having second thoughts or making excuses because he has changed his mind. He could never do that.

For weeks now, Marc has eaten, breathed and slept with Lyla forever in his thoughts. When he started writing her over two months ago, never in his wildest imaginings did he suspect things would turn out this way, that he would come to love her this much and she would own his heart and soul so completely. She has become everything to him and he can't get to her fast enough.

Traffic is erratic and cars are weaving back and forth, which would make a lot of people nervous, but he knows Akeem is used to it. "So how long will you be here for?" his cousin asks.

"Just long enough to show my bride-to-be around India a bit and let her meet the family."

"Man, I can't believe your story, cousin. I mean, you two have never met or even talked, but fell in love through letters? Wow! That is all I can say."

Marc grins, his insides warming as thoughts of finally holding Lyla consume him. "Wow is exactly the word for this." He smiles, closing his eyes as he ponders his email to her the night before she left Nags Head.


Words cannot express my anxiousness to see you. It has been rather maddening. To keep from pacing a hole in Mum's floor, I went for a run this morning. The closer I get to finally being with you, the more anxious I feel. It's as if I am going crazy at times.

After my run (and six cups of chamomile tea) I feel a little better.

Your sons were very entertaining and fun to talk to, and it's obvious they love you very much. They are very protective and I understand. If they didn't know my mother already, I don't think they would have been so easy on me. They are great young men.

I love you, Lyla, so very much, and I will see you soon.

Yours always,


Suddenly feeling the car skid, Marc opens his eyes, a cry ripping from his throat as the vehicle spins off the road flipping over the embankment. Akeem's screams pierce the air.

"God, please!" Mark calls out, and his final thought is of Lyla waiting for him before everything goes dark.

Letters In the Moonlight of Taj MahalWhere stories live. Discover now