Scandals IV

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^^ The outfit Riley will be wearing when she meets with Maya.

"I can't believe I'm actually going to do this.." Maya shakily inhales and exhales in an attempt to gain some form of confidence.

It was starting to sink in, that sooner or later, she was going to see Riley. The brunette used to mean the world to Maya and, at one point or another, she would've laid down her life in order to keep her safe. However, things were different now and she now pondered on the thought if she still felt that way for the other girl.

Maya was starting to ramble in the car, trying to waste time and calm her nerves. "Sure, she may be extremely talented, beautiful, funny, kind, compassionate, intelligent, and have the ability to light the world around her doesn't mean I have anything to worry about!"


"Holy fuck, I'm going to mess this up real bad."

She drops her head onto the steering wheel, causing a very loud honk to be heard in the parking lot.



You would assume that Maya might've mustered up some form of confidence and told her self to suck it up and deal with it, but there she was over 30 minutes later; rehearsing what she was going to say frantically through the rear view mirror.

For someone who really hated Riley's guts, she sure was trying hard to impress the girl.

knock knock

Maya groans.

Knock Knock


Maya picks her head up from the dashboard, ready to snap at whoever was quickly aggravating her.

"'d it go?" Lucas gives her his signature toothy grin, one that she is unaffected by.

"Well you see..." Maya gives him an innocent look as she begins to fidget with a ring.

"Oh my god, Maya. Don't tell me you haven't even left yet-"

"I had to prepare!"

"For what?!"

Maya thinks for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

"Well?" Lucas awaits for an answer.

"I don't...know." She breathes out.

"Oh..What am I going to do with you? You're looking pretty pathetic right now, not gonna lie." He opens the door to the passenger side of the car and gets in, taking the keys away from her and inserting them into the keyhole. He turns on the car and lays back in his seat, awaiting for Maya to make a move.

She doesn't, all she does is stare at the now glowing speed dial.

Lucas starts tapping his nails on the dashboard.







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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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