3. Resorting

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Draco got in the carriage and locked the door, he didn't want anyone to be with him, he got on the last one, not that he noticed. He then heard a knock, well more like a small tap. He looked outside and saw a small figure, he sighed and let them on the carriage. He saw that it was Potter. Geez, how is he so skinny? 'thanks' 

"You're welcome Potter,"

 'no, call me Harry, please'

 "Sure, I guess Harry"

They were quiet the rest of the trip. The carriages came to a halt, as they stepped off, draco saw Harry take out a piece of raw meat, giving it to the thestral. Draco smiled, and walked off. Thinking if it was possible to fall for the boy who lived. Harry waved to Hagrid when they made eye contact. Harry smiled for once in a while. He entered the Great Hall, to find all the eighth years in a corner, it hurt him to see so little people back for the last year, and went to join them. 

"Where were you Harry?" Hermione whisper shouted. 

"Do you even care anymore Harry?" Ron continued. Harry was about to spell out his responce, but interrupted by Headmaster McGonagall. "Welcome back students, I hope you feel better now that you don't have a mad man chasing you." She cleared her throat while some people laughed, "We will sort the first years, then we will resort the '8th' years." Everyone clapped as the small first years got sorted into their houses. Then it was the '8th' year's turn. 

"Hermione Granger" the hat called, after a while of the hat deciding Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, the hat picked "RAVENCLAW!"

"Ronald Weasley" Gryffindor or Hufflepuff? "HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Pansy Parkinson" ... "SLYTHERIN!"

"Draco Malfoy" ... "SLYTHERIN!"

"Blaise Zabini" ... "SLYTHERIN!"

"Neville Longbottom" Gryffindor or Hufflepuff? "GRYFFINFOR!"

"Harry Potter" 'so, Potter, came for another year did you?'    'yes of course'    'you've become stronger then before you do realize'   'don't look through my head please'    'how else am i suppose to sort you?'   'you wanted to sort me into Slytherin in first year, sort me in Slytherin'    'why don't you want me to look inside?'    'because it's an invasion of privacy, and also because you won't like what you find'   'i will look inside'  

The hat tried to look inside Harry's head, he was failing miserably. After fixing Hogwarts, Harry learned everything he needed to know, EVERYTHING. Hermione would be proud. He even liked potions now, he learned Occlumency, and Legilimency. So now his Occlumency walls are very strong. 

"Alastair, what's taking so long?"

"He won't let me see his mind."

"You can't break his walls?" When the hat responded with a yes, Snape was very surprised, the boy he tried to teach finally got it? And even the sorting hat can't break his walls? 'just sort me into Slytherin, please?' 

"Alright boy, I'll grant your wish, Slytherin it is..." The entire Great Hall froze. Slytherin? The Chosen One? His wish? Harry Potter wants to be a Slytherin? Whispers are spreading like wildfire as Harry went to sit down, RIGHT NEXT TO DRACO MALFOY. Everyone was even more shocked now. Harry nodded his head towards Pansy and Blaise. He knew that these two were Draco's best friends. Then he went back to staring into space, he did smile a bit. Harry was very amused in how surprised everyone was. 

He then saw Hermione and Ron glaring at him, like they wanted him dead. Maybe they did want him dead. He ignored them though. While the two of them were snogging each other's face off. It gave him time to practice his wordless and wandless spells. He might be the most powerful wizard now. Not that he cared. He snapped out of his thoughts as Draco tapped the table. 

"Aren't you gonna eat?"

'not hungry' he spelled.

"You look so skinny though, how are you not hungry?"

'just not, eat YOUR food, you look like shit'

Draco gasped loudly causing his friends to look in their direction. "How dare you say that, I used 2 hours, Potter, TWO HOURS!" 

'shut up, Malfoy, I was kidding, and Draco? don't call me Potter'

"Okay, fine, I won't but I swear don't kid about that! TWO HOURS Harry!"

'okay, okay, two hours, yeah yeah, you look great, real handsome'

Draco blushed at this, Harry had called him handsome, then he heard Pansy giggle, raising an eyebrow, "What Pansy?" 

"Nothing, it's just that you and Potter seem like best friends, what the hell happened over the summer, and Potter, why aren't you talking?"

Harry decided to respond before Draco, 'nothing happened over the summer, it's what happened during the ride here, i'm not talking because this discussion is not for the Great Hall'

"Fine but you better explain yourself when we get back in the Dungeons."

And that's what he did ...


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