A Mystery Illness

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You woke up one day feeling a little off. You could still go to work, but you decide to rest up and catch up later. After sleeping in and having a late breakfast, you decided to do chores around the house. You simply hated to waste a day by doing nothing productive. Time went on you washed the dishes, did the laundry and as you were sweeping you suddenly felt dizzy, everything seemed to be spinning around. The world was spinning around you instead of the sun. You sat down, taking a breath and thinking about what could've caused this. No matter the cause you knew that getting a glass of water was the best remedy available. You got up and took the few steps needed to get to the kitchen from the living room. You held on to the furniture that was near you to stabilize yourself and as if things couldn't worse you started to feel nauseous. You took the last few steps to the kitchen. With the nausea in mind you debated whether or not it was a good idea to drink some water, in case it came back up. You slide down the kitchen wall and sit down to rest.

         The front door opened. Your boyfriend comes in, after his day of work. He didn't see you right away, as you were in the kitchen corner. He took his shoes and jacket off and walked in the kitchen going to the sink.

         "Could you poor me a glass of water," you asked.

Your boyfriend, Damian jumped causing you to chuckle.

         "Jeez, you scared me there," he answered while turning around to face you.

He looked at you for a moment and started to frown.

"Are you okay?" You smiled.

         "I'll be good. I'm just a little dizzy and nauseous at the moment. I'm sure that it'll pass after some rest and a glass of water."

Damian nodded and helped you get up and move towards your room. He was most of supporting your weight and guiding your steps. When you got to your bed he made sure you were stable before moving the blankets. You laid down slowly hoping that nothing else would go wrong. Damian brought the blankets over you as you closed your eyes.

         "Sleep well sweetie," he whispered.


"Wake up sleeping beauty," you heard from a distance.

Something shook your shoulder. A groan slipped past your lips. Your eyes hadn't even opened, and it felt like the whole world was spinning. You started to fall back asleep when you heard something close by.

"Come on, early bird gets the worm," the familiar and masculine voice said. You found the strength to move your arm and wave it in the general direction of the voice. A hand grabs yours and brought it down on the bed. The bed sunk a bit near your lower body. 

"Not now," you groaned into the pillow. "I'm felling worse than yesterday."

Why am I feeling like this, you wondered? You squeezed your eyes to let them open. Damian was sitting on the bed his face contorted with worry. You sat up to talk to him, which didn't help the spinning. You placed both your hands on his and looked into his eyes.

"Everything will be alright. Let's just wait it out and see if I get better tomorrow. If I don't, I'll go see the doctor."

Damian nodded and seemed a little relieved by the decision. You got up and both of you and Damian left the bedroom. Breakfast seemed like a good idea, having something in your system could possibly wake you up and get the energy you were lacking. Getting to the kitchen you see that the coffee was brewed and that your favorite fruit had been cut up. You couldn't help but smile. You weren't hungry but not having any food would only worsen your condition, you thought. While you prepared your coffee, adding the sugar and milk, you heard Damian talking on the phone. He walked towards you.

"I don't want to leave you alone. I'm going to work from home today," he said.

You shook your head and smiled.

"Thanks," you said as you kissed his cheek.

You took your bowl and went to the living room to sit on the couch. Your dog, Dahlia, looked up from her bed, ears and eyes wide open. You patted the side of the couch, inviting her next to you and she slowly got off her bed and moved to lie down next to you. You smiled at the small movement. 

Your coffee was done, so you decided to start your day. You called in at work to say that you were sick and would be unable to come in. The next step was to shower. Hopefully the shower would wash off the funk that you were in and everything would go back to normal. You slowly walked to the bathroom. You waited until the water was hot to get in. As you were washing your hair, you felt so tired, exhausted even as if washing your hair was like running a marathon. You rinsed your hair and sat in the shower to rest for a second, leaning your head back. You felt so confused that you were in this state. Why now of all times, you wondered? What was going on, you thought. You shook your head, clearing the thoughts and got out.

You settled yourself back into the living room couch with a book. Dahlia, seeing you, stood up from her spot and came to lie down next to you. Again, a smile crept on your face. She nuzzled your hand, asking for attention. How could you couldn't resist her? you started to pet her. This was so peaceful, spending the morning next to your dog, reading a book while your boyfriend was in the next room. For once in a long while you were completely relaxed; all your muscles started to soften. It had been a while since things were this peaceful. There was always something to do, somewhere to go. Now all you had to do was rest and get better. Your eyes started to close of their own volition. You were just so exhausted. You let the darkness pull you under.

Something was making noise in the darkness. It sounded like crying or whining maybe. It seemed too far away for you to worry. Fog surrounding you. Everything was simply too hard to do. Something wet touched you. What was that? You groaned and tried to move it away. The noise stopped, but the fog seemed to become thicker. Everything went back to being dark and peaceful.

More noise made its appearance through the thick fog. The more you focused on the noise, the more it seemed to resemble a word. What could it be? What was a word? Was someone here with you in this fog? You tired to talk but only soft noise came out of your lips. It was so exhausting. Your body felt like it was disconnected, and it was hard to focus on anything for more than a second. It would be so much easier to let the darkness pull you under again. To be filled with peace. Just ... Sink... Back... So... Easy...

So much noise is surrounding you. What is this, you wondered? The noise was different this time, higher pitched. Was someone screaming? Something was poking you, touching the distant parts of your body. What a strange sensation that was.

"M... Mi... Miss... Wa... Miss wake..." you wondered who those words were meant for. The voice was deep, maybe it was Damian talking to someone else?

"Miss you need to wake up. Open your eyes or move a finger," The voice said. No, you thought, that was not Damian. Where was your finger, it seemed so far away? Maybe if you opened your eyes? Where do they begin and end? You managed to squeeze your eyes and the right one opened.

"That's it you can do it," the voice said. Bright colors were filling the sky. The was a humanoid shape over you. "Miss, I need you to talk to me. Can you tell me your name?" the voice said. The voice could belong to the shape, you thought. You tried to speak but only weak groans came out of your mouth.

Everything was overwhelming in a slow way. You needed to talk, you needed to move, your surroundings were blurry and strange. It was simply too much. You let yourself drift back into the darkness, into the peaceful slumber.

No one knew what happened on that day. The doctors never came up with an answer, everyone was baffled.

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