The Ending

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Diana looked at the sea. So much had happened in the previous years. She needed a break. She smelled the ocean air, inviting it into her. A break from everything that had happened. She went away to a small corner of the world where she could find peace and be able to re-center herself. Diana shook her head and started to walk back to the cottage she had rented. The walk was short and peaceful, just what she craved. Inside, she prepared herself a cup of tea. She walked into the living room of the cottage, cup in hand. She settled herself into a couch and grabbed her favorite book.

The after-noon passed quietly and uneventfully. Diana was still in the world of her book, where she was walking through Edinburgh hunting demons. She looked at her phone seeing the time. Realising it was the evening, she stood up and walked towards the kitchen, leaving her empty cup in the sink. She took her phone and let her music fill the cottage. As she danced, she looked into the fridge to see what she could cook for herself. She decided to do an easy meal, steak and green beans. While cooking she decided to give a quick call home and see how everyone was doing. She paused her music and dialed the number Her father answered the phone.

"Hello?" he said

"Hi dad,"

"Diana! How are things going over there?"

"Things are great, dad. I'm so happy here, I'm finally able to relax. The first few days were a bit strange, though, cause I had to get used to being alone. But enough about me, how are things going back home?"

Diana looked at the stove, seasoning the steaks before flipping them. She looked at the green beans.

"Well, everything is the same. Daniel still visits on the weekends. Mom is getting better at coming home earlier from work. I'm still trying to find a job, but the gold went up in the stock market so I should find something soon," Aiden spoke.

"That's good for mom, I hope she'll keep the habit and I'm sure you'll find a job, you're too good for them not to hire you. Wait, Dad, my food is ready do you mind if I let you go?"

"No, of course not. have a good meal. Call back soon. Love you."

"Love you too, tell everyone I said hi."

"Will do, bye"


Diana put her phone down and played her music. She prepared her plate, putting the rest of the food in a Tupperware and into the fridge. The cottage had an island counter in the kitchen on which Diana ate her supper. She contemplated the last few years. thought about everything that had happened and she noticed that nothing was constant. She had nothing to anchor in times of need, no beliefs or faith. She didn't believe in God nor in Jesus but she still used their names as expressions. Did that mean that she was stuck with Christianity because of her cultural lingo, she wondered. She believed in magic, in the power of nature but where did that leave her, she thought. She then remembered a beloved book series she read when she was younger. The character worshiped the moon, Nyx as they called her, as the goddess of creation; the sun, Eros, as the goddess's warrior and the elements as the power of nature. They would use dried plants and crystals to accompany their prayers, which were more of the ritualistic kind. Diana had loved the book series so much that she had tried to incorporate some of its elements in her life. She had even researched the inspirations for the book. Diana went over to her computer to try and find her research. While she did want to spend her vacation unplugged from the world, she had brought her phone and computer just in case. In this very moment she was very happy to have her computer with her. Diana researched the series till late at night, where she then decided sleep would do her some good. She walked to her room, changed into her pj's and played the playlist she created or the nights when her brain was filled to the brim with thoughts. Following the soft melody, Diana allowed herself to fall into a peaceful slumber.


Diana had finished her research. The book series had created a religion based off different pagan religions and cultures. Diana found that her beliefs aligned more with the pagan ones than the ones of the Christians. She knew that if were to be true to her beliefs she would have to stray from the small Christian traits she had and to tell her loved ones what she believed in. She also knew that just because her beliefs were different, it didn't mean that they weren't valid. With that in mind Diana closed her computer and went for a walk on the beach to clear her head.

The sea was beautiful that day. The sun was partially hidden in the clouds. The sea glimmering in the light, blue as it can be. Birds were flying in the distance. Diana had brought with her a blanket and a basket full of food, warmer clothing and her books. She found herself a spot and sat down, spreading the blanket on the sand. She sat there for while, admiring her surroundings. She took a deep breath in and let it out. It had been a while since she could sit peacefully like this. She started to sing to the wind. Letting her voice flow into the sea and into the forest, letting her surroundings know of her state.

She thought about the past years. About her friends, Allison, Hailey, Eliana, Dawn, Holden and lastly Kiara. She had been through a lot in the past and her friends, good and bad had been there for her. She thought of Allison and how she helped her cope with her life. How Allison had kept her smiling through the years. She thought of Hailey, sweet, sweet Hailey, who in the span of a few days became family. She thought of Eliana and Dawn who had never left her side. She thought Holden and how her heart melted every time she saw him; how she needed him more than she wanted him. She thought of Kiara and how their friendship was more twisted than anything else. Lastly, she thought of the friends she made before going on her vacation. She thought of her little mermaid who comforted her when no one else could. She thought of her vampire friend, stuck in the 20's era, permanently shedding light, or darkness on her life. She thought of her trainer friend who showed compassion like no one else could.

Diana shook her head these friends were simply the best gift life offered her. They were the small family that she needed. She knew that the friendship she had might not last forever but she was still so grateful for the time she could have with them. Life had put her through so many twists and turns and she was glad to say that her friends had been there for her. The wind of the sea turned colder as time past, a gentle reminder of where she was. Diana looked at the horizon before getting up and packing her things. The weather was getting too chilly for her hoodie and she walked back to her small haven.


Diana only had a day left before she would start her journey home. The last few days had opened her eyes to a world of possibilities. One where darkness didn't equate to evil just as light didn't always mean good. She found beauty in the night, one she would never have seen in the city. She found herself at peace, no longer by the events of the past. She thought about her quick brush with death. How no one knew what happened and how no one knew if she would get any better. She also remembered getting better day after day. Of course, some days were better than others but she got to see her own power, to see that she had the strength to pull herself back together. Diana thought of the night Kiara touched her and to her greatest joy, the memory was no longer accompanied by pain and disgust. The memory was just that, a memory. Something that happened in the past. Every experience, she thought, comes with a lesson. Something to better ourselves as we grow each day.

Diana walked onto the cottage porch. She could smell the ocean just as much as she could smell the forest nearby. She smiled her brightest smile and let out a laugh. How lucky was she to be alive, she thought? Diana vowed to herself never to forget this vacation. The vacation where she found herself a place in the world. The vacation where she saw herself in a new light. The vacation where she found peace. Hopefully, she thought, when the time came, she could remember the peace she felt.

The sun was setting and everything was packed. Diana decided to go on one last walk before she would leave this haven. She followed a small trail which would lead her to a cliff with a beautiful view of the land and the sea. The trail was amazing, trees on either side of her, sheltering her from the world. Snowdrops and bluebells lined the path, guiding her to her destination. She loved this path for the beauty and security it gave. It didn't take long for Diana to reach the top. She found herself a small spot to sit on humming a song of love. She watched the sun go down and the moon come out of the clouds. Diana smiled. Her life was complicated but she wouldn't have it any other way. She wouldn't want someone to look upon her life with pity but with appraisal, so they could learn from her mistakes and take away the good things. After all life wasn't a glass half-empty it was a glass half-full.

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