Chapter 7

483 15 2

Edited 6/6/23
Warnings for chapter: Hospital things, Mpreg, and Jins plan.


[Jins POV]

"Beep Beep Beep" I groan as I hear my alarm go off. I quickly shut it off and sit up. I rub my eyes, feeling a little grumpy... that is until I remember that I get to have a little alone time with Hoesuck.

Well, Tae is coming too, so I guess I will have to send him to get us drinks while waiting for the doctor.

I smile softly knowing that Yoongi will soon be mine. I'm sure Hoseok is fine, he probably has the flu or something, and once Yoongi finds out he is fine... My plan will take action... my plan to blackmail Hoseok with some photos I have of him.. that I may have taken without permission, and put them on twitter using my fake fan account. *Evil face*

[Hoseoks POV]

"Baby boy~ Wake up~" A soft smile makes its way across my lips when I hear Yoongi's soft yet deep voice in my ear. I take a deep breath and roll over, looking into Yoongi's eyes, he puts his hands on my waist and presses a soft kiss to my forehead.

I didn't have much time to snuggle with my boyfriend and enjoy this moment--which I was loving--because soon I was running into the bathroom, once again throwing up.

"Hoseokie... I wish I could go with you today to the doctor.. but Tae and Jin both love you lots and will take good care of you, Ok?" Yoongi said as he rubbed my back, his fingers warm against my skin. After I wiped my mouth, I turn around to hug him. "It's okay, I will call you right after my appointment, I know you have very important business. " He smiles and cups my cheeks. "yet it is not as important as you are to me, so yes please call me right when you find out what's wrong"

Yoongi kisses my forehead once again, then checks his phone for the time, "you should get ready baby, you have to leave soon" I pout a little and nod. "Alright.. ill take a quick shower.. so out you go" He laughs a little as I push on his chest making him walk backward out of the bathroom. "It's not like I haven't seen you naked before"

I blush madly, but still push him away. " Bye"

I shut the door quickly and then get ready to take my shower.

[Taehyungs POV]

Yoongi walks into my room and hands me a little pink backpack. "here, this is for Hoseokie. i- i just feel bad for not being able to go. so I packed him some little things." he smiles and then goes to leave. "O-oh well thank you Yoongi" I yell as he shuts my bedroom door. I smile widely as I open the backpack to see what was in it.

Yoongi packed hobi some apple juice, a box of chocolate candy, a lot of different candies... Does he want hobi to get even more sick ??? But lastly, in the bag there is a little note for Hoseok. How cute. 😊

I get out of bed and go to my closet. "Mmmm maybe this?" I say to myself as I hold up a white sweatshirt and black jeans. Usally this is not my style but today I think I should dress like this in case ARMY sees us. The likelihood if that happening is lower if we all wear something a little different from our norm.

Anyway after getting dressed I go to Jins room so see if he is ready because I know that if yoongi was up, so would hobi.

"Jin??" I say as I knock softly. Soon the doors open and a happy Jin looks at me. "Hi Tae!" He said sweetly making me smile "hi Jin!" We hug for a bit and then I pull away. "Are you ready to go???" Jin nods "Yes I am! Is hobo? Oh- silly me I ment hobi!" I laugh a little and then shrug "I don't know. Lets eat some breakfast while we wait for him. I think he may be in the shower"

Jin agrees with me so we both go to the kitchen and start making our own separate food.

[Hoseoks POV]

Stepping out of the shower, I wrap a fluffy towel around myself. After drying off, I go back to yoongis room-- that I guess is mine too-- and pick out a comfy outfit of sweat pants and a sweatshirt. Both light blue. I find my white face mask and then white shoes and look in the mirror. Damn- I look good.

I laugh at myself a little and then go to find Jin and Taehyung. After seeing they are not in their rooms, I go to the kitchen. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth as I see them. "Hi guys~!" Taehyung shoots up from his seat and runs over to hug me. "You look so cute Hoseokie!" I smile and hug him back. "Thank you!" Jin finished his coffee I assumed and stood up. " we should get going guys" I nod and we start to leave.


"Jung Hoseok" I give my name to the frount desk and she nods. We are at the company's hospital just for privacy reasons. But I'm not worried because we have extraordinary doctors here. "Dr. Jen will be ready for you in a few moments. You boys can take a seat over there" she points to a very empty waiting area and the three of us go sit. Jin coughs a little and turns to tae "while we wait, can you go get us all some warm tea or just a warm drink please?" Tae nods and gets up to go do what Jin tells him to do.

"Hoseok listen to me" Jin said a bit harshly. Making me a little scared "okay..." I say slow and confused. "I dont know what is wrong with you. But I know its not serious. You are not going to die... But you are going wish you did. Hoseok.." He paused for a moment, and took out his phone. "You see these" I gasp as he shows me lude photos of me asleep. I know its me because of my panties. But anyone else could not be able to tell its me because nun of them have my face on them. I cover my mouth and look at him. "I will share these all over twiter and Instagram if you dont break up with Yoongi. Got it?" I go completely silent, staring ahead, processing what he just said. I nod my head and start to cry. I try my best to hide it and look a little strong.

"Jung Hoseok " the dr calls my name and I quickly get up. Moslty greatful I could be away from Jin.

She takes me to a room and starts to ask me whats going on. I explain to her everything and she goes to get a blood test. Everything felt like a blur. My mind was going to yoongi. And Jin. Why... Just why does he have thoes photos of me...

I snap out of my thoughts when she came back. " this is going to hurt a little, have you ever had a blood test before?" I nod. Not trusting my voice. She incerts the neddle and starts taking the sample. I look away and wish for this all to be over. To be back in my bed. With yoongi. I wish Jin didn't say thoes things to me. I wish Yoongi would be here with me.

I guess I was too in my head again because I didn't notice the doctor leave.

My phone buzzes and I check to see who it is.

Text message from: 🌸love🌸

I looked at the notification of yoongi asking me how everything is going. I didn't want to message him. I wanted to call him. Tell him I'm scared. Tell him what jin said. But I dont want to interrupt his meeting.

Dr. Jen came back in with a serious look on her face. " this is very rare. Very very rare. But it seams that you are pregnant"


Wow would you look at that I updated *gasps*

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