Ch 2. -Everything

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Flame's pov~

Long ago this kingdom was the greatest there ever was.  Ruled by Queen Emerald and King Jay.  King Jay was an unknown dragon to others. Queen Emerald was a mind reader. Both rule over the mind reading kingdom.  But as King Jay vanished, so did Queen Emerald.  No one knew much about king Jay's origins, but they knew Queen Emerald would never leave her kingdom, but she did.  They left behind two daughters. Sapphire and Flame.   Sapphire being the oldest took over the throne.  The kingdom was at a weak state and she wanted to bring it back to its glorious and powerful fame.  But at what cost.  She even tried to use Flame as a gift to unite kingdoms.  She thought she could rule over all the other kingdoms. The Burning Kingdom, the Shard Kingdom, the Ocean Blue Kingdom, the Mountain Kingdom, the Acidic Kingdom, and the Spell Kingdom.  She called upon meetings, trying to unite them and have them agree that she will rule them all.  That plan failed.

I saw my sister go crazier each day, all she wanted was power.  She was never truly strong, all the powers she had was mind reading, healing, and thats it.  I on the other hand, hold all the powers mom and dad have together.  I have mom's mind reading, but dad's ability to take powers or give powers.  He was the last of his kind.  I have every power you can think of due to dad taking one of each.  I know this much, I found out my own ways.  When I walk down through the streets I see what the wars my sister brought did.  I see little dragons growing up without a father, starvation, and fear.  Once I came upon a wounded soldier, coming from the forest.  The sight was awful, he was wounded in every possible way.  I wonder how he managed to make it this far.  But he died before I could have helped him.

This kingdom is big, bigger than all the others combined.  But it lacks food sources, due to it population.  I see hunger everywhere, usually the fathers would go hunt for their family, but with them gone they starve.  This kingdom is big, but the war is killing the population.  The war has gone on for 2 years, little time, but enough to cause destruction.  But I vow to end this war and every damage it is causing. 

----Hey Guys, dont forget to follow @azurebirdjj and comment. ALSO dragons in THIS story live up to 175 years.  I know its somewhat a little but oh well.  Newborns grow reaching 2 years. An adult is at age 30.  The dragons stop aging at age 40, but start aging again at 150 years of age.  Ok cya.

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