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Just your average day in the life of Peter Parker. Class was easy so he was sitting in his lab twirling around in his chair, bored out of his mind. With Miles taking over for him on patrol he's been able to live more of his life as Peter Parker then as Spiderman. That's been great and all but it's started to get boring. Harry and everyone else is to busy with their Expo projects so they've been blowing him off.

So that's how it feels...

He's gotten a little use to it but it still stings a little. But that's how it is every year when there's a Stark Expo. Everyone's always in a rush to win and beat the competition. Well, Horizon High isn't but for Osborn Academy, that's another story.

Peter's phone began to ring, picking it up he looks at the caller ID and sees the familiar face of Miles Morales. "Go for Parker."

"Dude get here quick! I need your help with Dr. Octopus!" And with that, the line went dead and Peter sprung into action.

Quickly changing into his Spider-Man costume he swung to Miles's location. Swinging in, he hits Oc in the side getting him off of Miles in the process. He shoots a bunch of webs at the eight-legged menace, wrapping him up like a present on Christmas. "I'm sure you can handle it from here."

And with that Peter took and off and went back to Horizon High and went back to spinning around hopelessly in his chair for the next few hours until it got dark. He knew Aunt May would probably want him home by dinner. So he figured a light patrol on his way home wouldn't be too bad.

Swinging through the city, he hears a cry for help. Following the sound, he finds it belongs it a woman who is trying to fight off some muggers. He fought them off silently, not saying a word. He let them get some hits in before he finally webbed them up. He could have taken them out swiftly but he in a way he felt like he deserved the pain.

The woman enveloped him in his arms causing him to let out a small groan of pain, "Thank you so much, Spiderman."

"You're welcome." He replied returning the hug. When they pulled away he quickly swung away. Swinging back through the city, the rest of the way home was pretty quiet.

Climbing in through his window he takes off his mask and begins to change out of his costume. The first thing he noticed was the purplish bruises that were already starting to form on his skin. He didn't care. He deserved the pain. Most people thought he was a menace. He started to think that maybe..maybe they were right..

He hated himself. He was the reason his Uncle Ben was dead. His best friend hated him. And not to mention he had the worlds biggest crush on his said best friend, Harry.

After changing out of his clothes he managed to sink to the floor, tears streaming down his. His mind was a villain that was winning this battle. Getting up from the floor he went into his bathroom and looked in the mirror. He saw his weak reflection in the mirror and was disgusted by himself.

Looking down at his arms, he sees old and new scars from over the years. Picking up the razor that was laying nearby, he began to shake. A small piece of him was trying to fight the urge to slice open his skin and cause him pain. He wanted to pick up the phone and call Harry.

In a moment of weakness, he did just that. He sets down the razor, pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials up Harry. It rings a few times before he picks up, "Hey, Pete. What's up?"

Hearing his voice made him crack even more under pressure. Afraid he'd cry out for helps he hangs up the phone and grabs the razor. He drags it across his skin and watches as the crimson blood, flows out. He couldn't help but feel that this was everything he deserved.

Stopping the blood flow he puts something over the wound and then headed downstairs to meet Aunt May for dinner. Only finding no one in the kitchen, the house was completely empty. Looking at the fridge for any kind of note his Aunt could have left him, he finally finds it.

Dear Peter,
Some friends asked me out to dinner so I won't be home for a while. Don't forget to eat something, I'll be home around 11.
                                    - Love Aunt May.

Peter lets out a sigh before he turns out of the kitchen. He went back upstairs and flopped onto his bed ignoring every flare of pain it causes.

On the other side of town, Harry was confused as to why his best friend had called him out of the blue, said nothing and then hung up. He thought it was odd but it wasn't unusual. Thinking back on all the times he'd seen Peter over the past few weeks he's noticed it hasn't been a whole lot. Then he remembered blowing him off all those times...

Guilt started to sink in.

He felt bad for blowing him off but he felt like he had a good reason. His dad was on him day and night about this Stark Expo project. It wasn't even his designs anymore, his father had made so many changes to it he couldn't even recognize it anymore.

Maybe he could bring Peter breakfast in the morning. Even though it was a Saturday and he'd probably have Aunt May to make him breakfast, the thought would still count. He could spend the whole day with him tomorrow, they could hang out and play video games. Just like old times.

But little did Harry know that tomorrow would start the beginning of everything. That it would spark a catalyst that could destroy the very thing he loved and hated.

Peter Parker; Spider-Man.



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