<|• Two •|>

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Peter didn't even remember falling asleep last night. He woke up to the sound of Aunt May hollering for him to wake up, something about someone being there to see him.

Groggily he pulled himself out of bed and changed out of his clothes and into a pair of sweats and a new clean t-shirt. He quickly remembered to pull off the bandages he had put over his cuts that had now healed, leaving a faint scar. To see it you'd have to be really looking for it.

"Gotta love a healing factor..." He mumbles to himself as he walks out of his room and then slowly downstairs, doing his best to wake himself up. He caught his foot on the bottom step, he would have face planted the floor if the person who came to see him wouldn't have caught him. Looking up to see who caught him, he sees none other than Harry Osborn.

He tries to hide the small blush that had formed on his cheeks as he steadies himself. Fully awake, he asks, "So Harry, what brings you by?"

"I haven't been the best of friend to you lately, so I wanted to make it up to you with breakfast and video games." Harry replies with a smile, holding up a bag of multiple breakfast foods and two video games.

Aunt May smiles at the two and then takes her cup of coffee into the living room. Peter grabs Harry's wrist and pulls him upstairs when they upstairs Peter pulls him into his room. Flopping on his back he lands on his bed while Harry takes the chair at his desk. When Peter flopped on the bed his shirt rode up a little, exposing a small portion of the bruise that was already starting to heal. Harry didn't know what didn't know what to think when he saw it.

He figured he'd bring it up later.

Digging into the bag he pulls out a breakfast burrito and throws it to Peter. Peter catches it and sits up, he fixes his shirt and then begins to eat the burrito that was previously thrown at him. Once he finishes he lays back on the bed and closes his eyes for a few seconds. Harry looks at his friend and in concern, "Pete, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." He replies opening his eyes, "Why?"

Harry, wanting some answers, gets up and walks over to Peter. He grabs ahold of the hem of Peter's shirt and lifts it up, revealing the bluish green bruises on his stomach and his side. Peter quickly pushes it down and tries to say something but Harry beats it to him, "How did you get these? Whose been hurting you?"

"Harry, calm down. No one's been hurting me. I'm fine!" Peter replies getting off the bed. Harry pushed back, causing the two to fall back on the bed.

Harry quickly pinned his hands to the bed, Peter looked into his eyes and could only see the worry in them, "Peter, who gave you those bruises? Please tell me."

Peter felt bad but he couldn't tell Harry the truth. He hated Spider-Man. Flipping the situation so he was on top he tries to make a believable lie, "I'm fine, I've been taking a few self-defense classes."

Harry believing his lie, for now, begins to get sidetracked. Peter, his best friend, and his crush was on top of him. He bit his lip somewhat nervously and his eyes trailed from Peter's lips to his eyes and then back to his lips. He wanted to kiss him...

But wait...what if he did and he messed everything up? What if he did and Pete didn't like him back...

Harry was over analyzing everything and so wasn't Peter. They were both too scared to try anything, they both couldn't afford to lose one another.

Moving off of Harry, Peter climbed off the bed and quickly decided to change the subject. He walks over to his desk and asks, "So ready to get your butt kicked at-." Looking at the games he picks one, "Mario Kart?"

A small blush forms on Harrys' face and he replies, sitting up, "Y-Yeah..sure."

The two boys sit on the floor and begin to play. Mario Kart has always been their thing. They've played every version of Mario Kart and they'd always get the new version when it came out. The two have always had other things like Halloween but Mario Kart was different. It was something they could be competitive at but still be friends afterwards. This was how they blew off steam.

Peter picked his original character, Mario while Hart picked Luigi. Peter liked the red and Harry liked the green. They picked a race and began the course, easily beating the other racers and then battling each other for the first place position. Harry won by distracting Peter, it was easy because he knew how ticklish he gets.

The two played into the afternoon until they decided to go to their café, Cup O Joe. Upon arriving they ordered their normal smoothies and sat at their booth. Harry's phone began to ring and he answers, "Hey, dad."

Peter could hear Norman's angry voice on the other end of the phone, "Harry, why aren't you at the lab working on the Expo Projects?!"

"I figured since I've been working so hard, I'd take the day off. I-." He starts to say but his father cuts him off. "Those projects have to be ready for the Expo. If you really had been working hard, these projects would be finished! You better be in that lab in the next 15 minutes or you'll be in serious trouble."

Harry knew from previous experiences that he didn't want to get on his fathers' bad side. Letting out a small sigh he turns to Peter as he slides his phone back in his pocket. Peter looks down and then back to Harry with a twinge of sadness in his eyes, "I know, I heard. It's okay. You better go, I don't want you to get into any trouble because of me."

Peter gets up from the table, picks up his smoothie and then holds out his fist to Harry, with a small sad smile he returns it. When their hands pull away Peter departs from the café feeling a little bit better than he did yesterday. Harry followed Peter's suit and headed back to his lab.

He didn't want to make his dad even angrier with him. He'd been on that other side of the pole and he vowed he'd never be there again.

No matter what.



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