<|• Five •|>

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Peter found himself sitting atop one of the many rooftops just waiting. He was waiting for a text, a call, or maybe a cry for help to break him away from his constant dreadful thoughts. He thought crime fighting might make him feel a little bit better but it didn't have the effect he was hoping for.

Fire trucks zoomed down the street below catching his attention quickly. Sliding his mask on, he jumps off the building and proceeds to follow the fire trucks, finding an apartment building engulfed in flames upon his arrival. Peter being the hero he was swung into the building and began to search for any survivors that could be still in the building.

Intense heat surrounded him making every breath nearly impossible. He tried to yell out and see if anyone was still inside but the smoke made it hard to see. Moving deeper into the building he continues to yell out. He passed a couple of bodies. People he could have saved if he had gotten there quicker. He began to beat himself up in the middle of the raging fire until he heard the sound of a child crying.

Finding the source, he faintly sees a young boy around the age of six clutching a homemade Spiderman doll in his arms. A smile finds its way to the boy's face and to Peter's, someone still believed in him. Picking up the small child he quickly makes his way towards the closest window and jumps out of it. Shooting a web, he slowly begins to lower himself down to the crowd. When they reach the ground, Peter sets the child down and his mother comes running over to him with tears streaming down her face.

"Thank you so much, Spiderman." The woman says to webbed hero, "You saved my baby."

Letting out a couple of coughs Peter replies, "No problem miss, I'm just doing my job."

And with that Peter turned around and flung him up to the nearest building where he ended up passing out but before he did he called the one person who had been on his mind for past two years, Harry Osborn.

When Peter woke up he sat up shakily and took off his mask. He remembered the fire and all the smoke and the people he couldn't save. Putting his mask back on he stood up and moved towards the edge of the building. Looking down he sees the city, carrying on with its normal day. It carried on without him. 

Swinging through the city he found himself swinging towards the Oscorp building. To Harry, his best friend. When he gets to the tower, he clings to the side and starts to climb up to the tower where he knew his best friend would be. He knocks on the window knowing that he'd get yelled at by Harry but he didn't care at this point he just needed him. To no surprise, Harry didn't come. 

Seeing that Harry wasn't going to come he jumps off the building and begins to swing home. Climbing into his window he strips out of his suit and slips on a pair of basketball shorts and a plain nerdy t-shirt with a horrible science pun. He walked down the stairs and almost fell on the last one. His aunt caught him and helped right himself. "Thanks, Aunt May." 

He walks into the kitchen and says, "I'm sorry I didn't call."

"It's alright, Peter. I trust you." She replies as she sits at the table. Peter pours himself a cup of coffee and downs the whole thing not caring how bitter the black liquid tasted in his mouth. "Harry came by to see you." 

Peter's eyes went wide and he froze. Why would Harry come by? Wasn't he busy with his expo project? "So what did he say?"

"He just said that he was worried about you." She tells him as she sets her cup of tea on the table. "You called him and didn't say anything so he wanted to know if you were okay."

There was a big amount of awkward silence in the room, Peter being the main the cause. "Peter, honey, are you alright?"

"I'm fine Aunt May." Peter tells her trying to sound convincing, which he obviously failed. So he let out a sigh and says, "Really Aunt May, I'm okay. I'm just a little tired." 

And without any further ado, Peter went back upstairs to his room, shut his door, and flung himself onto his bed. Pulling out his phone he sees he has some missed calls from Harry, Miles, Gwen, and Anna. Harry texted him and said that he was worried about him but he dismissed it and pulled up the daily bugle on his phone. J. Jonah Jameson was on his usual rant, saying that Spiderman was a menace and that he couldn't be trusted. 

Getting out of it of the app, Peter flings himself off his bed and ends up sticking to the ceiling. The voices in his head were pounding and he just wanted them to shut up. So he got off the ceiling and moved towards his bathroom. Picking up his razor he adds more cuts to his wrist and just kept cutting and cutting as tears fell from his eyes. Blood began to mix with tears and he just started to cry harder. 

His began to ring, causing the teen to jump and frantically rush to get to his phone. "He...Hello..." He shakily replies, not really knowing who it was. The collar ID was blurry from the tears clouding his vision. 

"Hey Pete, it's Harry. Please meet me at Joe's, I wanna talk. It's important." Harry's voice was calming. It started to make him feel a little bit better but he wondered what Harry wanted to talk about. 

"Okay, sure Harry. I'll meet you there in 15 minutes." And before Harry could say anything else he hangs up the phone. He couldn't listen to his friend bombarding him with a million questions.

Picking himself up off the floor, he cleans up the blood off the floor and then covers up his bleeding wrists with some gauze from the first-aid kit underneath his bed. Quickly he gets dressed and then heads downstairs with his bookbag on his bag. "I'll be back May, I'm meeting Harry at Joe's." 

So many questions were swimming in his head, but little did he know he was about to be ambushed, and not by a group of villains but by a group of friends...



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