Chapter 1

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Keith walked down a naturally lit hallway, nervously looking around for any signs of a blue cloak.

He had been late arriving to pick up the Carrier. It had been stupid getting distracted by the birds perched outside his palace window, but he couldn't help the need to sketch them out before he ran to meet the maid. Only, when he got there he found an empty room where he was instructed Siren would be.

He couldn't blame the maid for wandering off. The palace was beautiful and seemed to draw you along with its expanse of glass walls that let in the beauty of nature that hung just outside the palace. The entire courtyard was a groomed replication of the areas natural habitat.

.....but that didn't mean that it was appropriate. And granted, it was partly Keith's fault in the first place, but the maiden should have known better. Sirens were told that they were not allowed to just wander the streets much less a palace without a guard. Certainly not before having been claimed and impregnated. That's was just asking for a war.

Keith speed walked down the hall, getting the occasional eye roll from other guards stationed in front of doors when they noticed he was empty handed. He just kept moving forward, growing more anxious the farther into the palace he ventured. He should have seen them by now. The Siren had just been dressed and prepared by servants, why would they leave him alone and give him the opportunity to get lost?

He prayed Alfor was busy, at that whomever had been chosen for the Carrier wasn't waiting.... Keith also prayed that the Siren hadn't wandered into the throne room. The king would have his ass for that.

No not literally you nasties.

The hybrid sighed as he came to a stop. He wasn't far from the throne now and had yet to find any sign of the sea dweller. Keith groaned, tugging on his hair as he turned and looked around him. Where the hell could the maid have gone?

The young man was about to turn to head back. His plan was to retrace his steps and look down the halls he'd passed when someone ran into him, taking him down to the ground gracelessly.

"What in the quiznack-" he started, trying to shove the person off only to freeze when he met wide blue eyes. The carrier. His face was covered in blood and his cloak was crushed in a ball between their chests.

Keith stared up dumbly at the Siren, wondering where the fuck the Siren came from. He heart almost tried to jump out of his chest when fat tears started to spill from the Maiden's eyes, forcing him to snap into action.

"What happened?" He asked as he pushed the carrier back gently so he could stand. He pulled the Siren up to their feet and frowned as he looked them over. Normally a Maiden wore billowy fabric that draped down to the the ground and left little to the imagination. This Siren's outfit only reach down to their knees. They were as big as the largest Galra soldiers Keith had seen. Maybe bigger. They were at least height or nine feet tall.

He swallowed. He was just happy that he wouldn't be the one who'd have to pleasure the maiden... he wasn't ashamed of himself, but... he didn't want to go there with his mind, so he shook the thought away.

"My guard, they attacked me. They wanted to take me but I couldn't let them. I didn't let them, please believe me. I'm clean. I'm still pure." They cried while raising their hands up to their chin to catch the tears and blood to keep their clothing clean.

Keith frowned, glancing around warily. "I'm your guard." He guided the Siren around a corner so that if someone came away from the throne room no ones would walk in on the scene. He noticed the open door that the siren must have launched out of before taking Keith down. "Who took you?" Keith demanded as he motioned for the siren to stay put so he could peek around the corner and step into the side room. He startled when he turned around and find the Siren directly behind him. And at eye level.

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