01 - Me & My Broken Heart

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01 - Me & My Broken Heart


The dictionary defines it as a movement downward, typically quickly and uncontrolled.

But I'm not talking about the embarrassing trip-and-fall incident that you had in the school hallway. I'm talking about the quick uncontrolled movement of emotions. When you feel as if you live for only one thing. When at times you feel like you're going to have a breakdown. When you can't sleep because thoughts are plaguing you. I'm talking about falling in love.

In my opinion, I fall too often. Too often being every other year or so. Yes, it's that bad. I can't stand myself because falling is becoming a normal thing for me now. A new guy suddenly comes out of nowhere and then you talk to him or just get to know him and then out of nowhere comes the heart flutter followed by the thought of, "Oh great...I'm falling."

It's scary. I mean, you never know how far and how long your going to fall until you hit the ground. You never know how how deep in the sea of love your going to dive until finally, he drowns you.

Then you feel helpless when you finally get up the courage to tell him how you feel. "Hey...Um...I really really like you... I might have even fallen in love..."

Rejection. He says, "Sorry...but we're just friends..." The friend zone. The dang friend zone, whereas as I learned to know it as "I- never- want- to- speak- to- you- again- zone."

The final step of this excruciating process is denial. You try to forget he ever existed and cure fate for making your paths cross because he broke you. He may have not have even been remotely be aware that he broke you, but you don't care. You just want to forget and make it all go away.

For all those people out there who feel broken, I feel you. I've been through it.

I mean, all I need ‘s a little love in my life. A little, but I'm going it might kick start me and my broken heart.

Author's note: So I was listening to "Unwell" by Matchbox Twenty and this idea came to mind. I just had all these thoughts about the concept and process of love so I decided to jot these down before my idea high left me.

This is work of fiction (more realistic fiction). The speaker will be a made up character and not myself.

On a side note, I will be taking 'Blind' down/putting it on hold/ permanently deleting it. I'm just not happy with the overall idea of it anymore. It doesn't really appeal to me right now.

Thanks for reading.

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