03 - Somebody That I Used To Know

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03 - Somebody That I Used To Know

"Get over yourself." I said firmly.

A nervous laugh was made in response and was followed by, "What? Don't you see I'm trying? That I'm trying to be able to be with you as much as I can?" Jared explained as he moved his black hair out of the way of his pale face. He was wearing jeans and a loose maroon t-shirt. I had always liked that shirt...

"No you're not, Jared. I ask if you want to hang out today after school to study and you say you're busy. That's the fifth time since last week. I can't do this anymore. If your friends and sports are more important than I am, then so be it, but I am done." I sighed.

We were in the student parking lot after school had let out. This was where I had decided to tell Jared that we were through. Jared Holly was lean and was a little tall for our age. He also was a stockily built guy who had green eyes and shaggy black hair.

We hadn't been spending much time together, and it seemed like we were morphing into a facade. Fakes, some product you sell to the crowd, who don't really like each other all that well. Like your wearing a medal that says 'I have a significant other and you don't.'

"Hey, listen, we can work this out. I don't want to fight." he said reaching for my arm.

"No," I said twisting out of his grip and turning to walk away. "I'm done."

"C'mon, let me explain!" he said, walking after me. He grabbed my wrist and pleaded "Don't go. Just let me explain."

His grip was hurting my wrist, and I didn't care at this point if he had a good excuse or not. I wanted him gone.

"Hey! Let her go!" shouted a familiar voice.


Psh, yeah right in my dreams. It was just yesterday that he finally spoke to you first. That reminds me...confession day...I didn't do it today....

"What did you say?" growled an angry Jared.

It turned out one of my good friends Gray had come to my rescue. Gray was about the same size as Jared. He also had black hair, but he had brown eyes with a copper skin tone.

Gray's voice got closer and I saw him come from the other side of Jared's car over to us and stated, rather loudly in Jared's face. "I said, let her go."

"She's my girlfriend, I can touch her whenever I want to." Jared said menacingly back to his face, while still holding onto my wrist.

"Stay away from her, or I will hurt you." Gray said enunciating every word.

I managed to get my arm away from his grip and I said in his face, "I never belonged to you, Jared. I am my own being. If that's how you saw me, I'm don't know what I ever saw in you."

"C'mon Gray. Let's get out of here." I said reaching for his arm and walking away.

"You should have never interfered, Gray!" yelled Jared after us, but as Jared always does he gave up. He leaned on his truck, defeated, and watched us leave and then decided to leave himself.

"Are you okay?" asked Gray, once we were in the safe haven of his car, which was a few meters from where Jared's car had once been parked.

"Yeah, I think I am..." I said through my long brown hair that blocked my vision as I stared at my lap.

"Thank you; I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't showed up." I breathed as I faced him and tightened my blue hoodie around me.

"Hey, that's what friends are for," he stated. "Drive you home?"

"No, it's okay Gray. I'll text one if my friends to come get me." I said as I pulled out my phone.

It was almost four o'clock and I doubted anyone would come pick me up, but I didn't want to cause Gray any trouble.

"Well I'm your friend too, so let me drive you." he said turning towards me in his car seat and giving me a pouty look.

I smirked as I gave in. "Fine." I said while buckling in the seat belt.

"Drive me home." I said with a smile.

Tada! More updates (:

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