I Love You

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Background: This takes place a few months after episode three, after choosing to romance and to save Louis (He still has a tongue lmao)

Clementine's POV

"Clementine I need to tell you something"

"What? Did something happen?" I question.

Louis steps closer to me and takes both of my hands into his. His eyes dart back and forth before finally settling on mine.

I looked at him concerned, thinking that something bad happened, Louis was never serious ... literally never. But before I could say anything else, he speaks.

"Clem I'm in lo-"


"What the hell?" I mumble as I slowly open my eyes.

I look up and and see A.J. violently shaking my shoulders and yelling at me to get up. What does he want from me?

"A.J. get off of me. What time is it?" I sigh.

"It doesn't matter! You'll never believe what happened! Come on you've gotta go outside and see!"

"Alright, alright im going goofball, just give me a second." I chuckle as pat his shoulder, giving him a nudge to get him to go downstairs.

"Don't call me that! Just hurry up!" A.J. yelped while running out the door.

I chuckled to myself. I sit up and start to lace up my boots. Then all of the memories from my dream came flooding back. Oh my god.

Did I actually dream that? Was Louis actually going to say he was in ... love with me? I gulped just thinking about it. I mean, we are dating but he's not the serious type, could he feel that strongly about me?

Wait. Why would I have a dream like that in the first place. Do I love him? He's funny, cute, romantic and ... I face palm myself. I date a guy from a few months and I'm thinking about love?

"CLEM COME ON!" I hear A.J. yell from outside.

I peak out the window after tying my shoes and putting on my hat. I look out and the first thing I see is A.J. staring at me disapprovingly, then I look towards his left and I see Louis.

My eyes widen. Rough patches of paint covered Louis from head to toe. Certain colors bleeding into each other and mixing, resulting in dirt brown streaks separating the vibrant colors.

"Rise and shine princess!" Louis calls out, making my heart skip a beat.

Curiosity took over me and I hastily shut my window and made my way down. I bumped into violet on my way. Me and her were on good terms now.

"Don't go outside. I swear Louis is the biggest dumbass ever. He does anything to get out of doing productive shit." Violet rolled her eyes.

"I'll go talk to him, maybe I'll get him to do something" I say as I walk through the door.

A.J. was in the floor, practically dying from laughter. Tenn was right next to him and in a similar state.

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