Doctor Louis

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Background: Set sometime after episode three, Clem and Louis have a stable relationship and have been dating for some time.

Clementine's POV

Well shit, I really fucked up. I limp towards the school gate with my hand over the bloody wound that spread across my abdomen. It hurt so bad I could barley think. As soon as the gate opened I collapsed and everything went fuzzy.

~Time skip 2 days~

I feel something grip onto my hand, it was cold and moist. My body feels stiff as a board and I could feel the light sheen of sweat covering my body. I don't think I've ever felt so uncomfortable in my life.

Then I hear a distant sound. I could hear someone talking, it was so quiet, almost like a whisper. It slowly got louder and the grip on my hand tightened. I lazily open my eyes just enough to see.

Louis's face was right above mine and he bent down to give me a kiss on the forehead. He used both of his hands to hold my hand. He rubbed small circles into my wrists.

"Louis?" I mumble.

The circles on my wrist stop and I open my eyes up a bit more. Louis's eyes fly open and he jaw nearly reaches the ground.

"Clem! You're awake! Oh my god you're alive!" Louis jumps off of the bed and reaches for a cup of water places on a nearby drawer.

Once I see him coming towards me with the cup, I go to sit up so I could drink the water. As soon as I attempt to sit up a sharp pain courses through my stomach, like I was repeatedly stabbed with daggers. I fall back on the bed while letting out a choked sound that expresses the pain I felt.

"Clem! Don't do that! You hurt yourself remember?!" Louis whisper yelled as he placed his hand on my cheek. He carefully lifted my head and put a couple of pillows under it so that my head was elevated. He cautiously took the cup and held it up to my mouth.

My hands quickly move to take the cup from his hands.

"I can do it myself," I grumble, as I take a sip. The cool water flowed down my scratchy throat. I hand the cup back to Louis.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You're asking me? You've been knocked out for two days because of the amount of blood you lost. I think I should be asking you what happened," Louis gave me a stern look as he sat back down on the bed by my feet.

He crossed his arms and pouted like a five year old.

"I didn't know I was out for so long," I say confused. I look over at Louis and a single tear escapes his eye, but he quickly wipes it away.

"Well you were. I was scared shitless Clem, what would I do if you didn't wake up? I love you, I need you with me," his voice quivers as he speaks. His eyes search for answers in mine.

"I'm sorry Lou, I really am. I didn't know I'd get so hurt. It won't happen again, i promise," I give him a weak smile and he nods. He starts to rub my ankle, remaining silent, most likely to get me to talk.

"Alright, it's really stupid. I was running really fast because there was a heard behind me and I was trying to lose them. I ended up tripping on the root from a tree and diving onto a log," I look away embarrassed. I'm Clementine, I'm not supposed to get hurt.

"Ouch, that's why you had so many splinters," Louis flinched.


"Alright well, Ruby is helping Aasim out with the dinner and I certainly don't want to interrupt their little date," he winked, which made me chuckle. My laugh vibrates through my body and again made my abdomen hurt.

"So I'm your doctor for today, and I intend to nurse you back to health as quick as possible so that we may go on another date as soon as possible! You may now refer to me as Dr. Louis," He moved his eyebrows up and down when he said the last part. I playfully hit his arm.

He walked to the other side of the room and got some stuff to clean my wound.

"May I?" Louis asked as he grabbed the edge of the bed sheet. I tilted my head, why was he asking? I quickly nod my head yes.

He slowly peels back the sheets and my eyes go wide. I swat his hand away and pull the sheets back up. I realized that I had no shirt on and was left with only my, um, under..garment on.

"Where did you put my shirt you pervert!?" I yell.

Louis put his hands in the air defensively.

"I didn't take it off I swear!" He looked scared of me.

"Then where is it Louis!?"

" Ruby had to take it off cause there was blood all over it and it was dirty, keeping it on would probably cause an infection!" Louis said as he started backing away. Eventually he walked straight into the wall causing a loud 'thud'.

"Oh, you're right, sorry" I quickly apologize.

"You can try to clean it yourself, if I make you uncomfortable, or I could try to find you an extra sh-"

"No it's fine, I over reacted anyways," I cut him off. I push the bed sheet off of me and cross my arms, trying desperately not to look at him.

"Are you su-"

"Just do it Louis,"

He cautiously walked over to me and sat down beside me. His freckle dusted cheeks were a startling red. He carefully took the gauze off of my wound and started cleaning it.

I hissed from the burning pain of the rubbing alcohol on my cut. Louis reaches over and held my hand with his free one. We stayed silent the entire time, neither of us knowing what to say.

He applied the clean gauze and quickly covered me up with the sheets again.

He leaped off the bed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Alright, um, you're all done!" He said as he did 'jazz hands' That made me chuckle. He slowly made his way towards the door.

"Where are you going doctor Louis. You can't leave me all alone," I pouted.

"Are you sure you want me to stay? I was gonna give you some time to forget about what just happened," he looked down at the floor as he spoke.

"What just happened? And plus I need my twenty four hour nurse to make sure I'm alright all the time. We finally get to have some alone time," I winked at him.

"Hey, I'm a doctor not a nurse!" He tried to pretend to be mad but he couldn't help but break into a smile.

"What should we do?" I ask.

"Wanna play cards?" He takes a deck of cards out from his back pocket and fans them out.

"Okay" I reply.

"Pick a card, any card!"

Idk where I was going with that story but I feel like it sucked, oof. Hope you liked it, feel free to leave your opinions! ❤️

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