Do you still like me?

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Background: Set after episode three (like a week). Louis doesn't have his tongue :( The romance Louis but save Violet option. Louis is a depressed boi :( Nothing graphic.

Louis's POV

I stare at my ceiling with a blank expression on my face. Lying on my bed, hands under my head and my ankles crossed. There's so much time to think when you can't speak. So much time I think I might go insane.

So many things to think of and yet my mind keeps going back to the most painful thought. Why didn't she choose me? I love violet, she's my good friend and I'm happy she's safe. But I just want to know why.

I sigh and launch myself forward so I could sit up straight. I run my hands through my dreads and focus on a splotchy stain right above the closet. Maybe I should talk to Clem about it? No, it'll make things awkward, I don't wanna pressure her. Maybe-

Knock knock

"Louis?" Ruby called out as she peaked her head through the door.

I open my mouth to say something but slowly close it. I look up at her, raising my eyebrows as if asking "yeah?"

"Umm, well I just was wondering if you want something to eat?"

I give her a confused look.

"I know its the middle of the day but you didn't eat breakfast. You haven't come out of your room yet. We're really worried about you, and maybe you could go down to the piano and that'll cheer you up." Ruby plastered on a warm smile.

I think about it for a second, I guess I could. I look up at Ruby and nod my head as I stood up and moved past her. I stroll down the hall, looking around and running my fingers along the wallpaper. The school looks sad, I mean it hasn't looked great in a while I guess but it felt different.

I pushed the heavy doors that lead to the piano room and I look around. It usually made me so happy. I love playing the piano but I didn't feel anything at the moment. I sit down on the couch and look at the books lying on the floor, nothing interesting.

I cross my arms and start tapping my foot. Then I look over at the coffee table and see a pair of scissors. I've got an idea. I stand up abruptly and take the scissors with me to the upstairs bathroom.

When I get to the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror. Am I really going to go through with it? Yeah, I'm gonna do it. I pick up the scissors with my right hand and-

*Snip* One of my dreads falls to the floor.

Someone took something away from me against my will so now I'm going to take something away from me with my own free will.

It takes a few more minutes but eventually I've cut all of my dreads off. It looked terrible, there were long patches of hair and shorter patches of hair, but I felt powerful. I haven't really done anything this different in a while.

I crouch down and pick up the hair from off of the floor, tying the dreads together using an old rubber band. I smile for the first time in a while. I'll just go put the dreads in my room and come back to try to even out the hair on my head.

I pull the door open.

"Louis?" Clementine was standing with her fist in the air like she was going to knock on the door.

Dread washes over my body. If I had waited 0.2 seconds I would've heard her knock and made sure to try to fix my hair. I look like a mess!

I try to speak but instantly shut my mouth once the pain from the fresh wound reminded me that I can't do that anymore. So I wave my hand instead.

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